
起立・斉唱問題、原告側敗訴確定(Unison-standing problem, the plaintiffs lost confirm)

入学式や卒業式で国旗に向かって起立し、国歌を斉唱するよう求めた東京都教育委員会の通達を巡り、都立学校の教職員ら375人が都と都教委を相手取 り、通達に従う義務がないことの確認や懲戒処分の差し止めを求めた訴訟で、最高裁第1小法廷(宮川光治裁判長)は9日、原告の上告を棄却する判決を言い渡 した。原告側敗訴が確定した。

 裁判官5人中4人の多数意見。通達について、1審・東京地裁は「思想・良心の自由に反する」として違憲と判断し、2審・東京高裁は合憲としていた が、同小法廷は「通達は校長に対するもので、教職員に対して憲法上の問題は生じない」として憲法判断を示さなかった。一方、通達に基づいて校長が教職員に 起立斉唱を求めた職務命令については、これまでの最高裁判決と同様、合憲と判断した。

Tour of the notice of the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education was asked to stand up towards the national flag at the graduation ceremony and entrance ceremony, sing the national anthem, 375 from the faculty of the School Metropolitan has sued the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education and the Metropolitan, there is no obligation to obey the notice the lawsuit sought injunctive and confirm that disciplinary action, (presiding judge Koji Miyagawa) on March 9, was sentenced to reject the plaintiffs' appeal of the first small court the Supreme Court. The plaintiffs lost has been confirmed.

4 people in the majority opinion of five judges. For notification, it is determined unconstitutional as "contrary to the freedom of conscience," thought the Tokyo District Court Singh 1, the Tokyo High Court Singh 2 has been going through and constitutionality, notice "court Dosho is is is for a principal, for the faculty did not show a constitutional judgment on the constitutional issue as a "Te does not occur. On the other hand, the principal duties sought instruction in unison standing faculty on the basis of notice, as well as the Supreme Court so far, it is determined that the constitutionality.

It is the result of the course. I love the country it is a matter of course, represent a respect for the national anthem and national flag is also a national symbol is the act of course as a nation. It is a matter of clouds before we notice.

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