
手術の成功と順調な回復をお祈りいたします(I pray for the success of the surgery and smooth recovery)

 18日午前から始まる心臓のバイパス手術は、順調にいけば3時間半程度で終了し、午後手術室を出られる見通し。術後の経過にもよるが、早ければ2週間ほどで退院されるという。陛下の入院に伴い、法律、政令の公布など国事行為は17日から皇太子さまが臨時代行される。 陛下は午前10時5分、皇后さまと共に車で皇居を出発し、同14分、東大病院に到着。玄関で同病院の門脇院長と永井循環器内科教授の出迎えを受け、入院棟に入られた。

Emperor the morning of June 17, has been admitted to the University of Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyo, Tokyo.

Heart bypass operation starting from the morning of April 18 is expected to completed in about three and a half hours if all goes well, which left the operating room in the afternoon. Depending on the postoperative course, that will be discharged in about two weeks at the earliest. Due to the hospitalization of His Majesty, such as the state act promulgated laws, decrees the crown prince is acting from an extraordinary 17 days. His Majesty is 5 minutes at 10 am, left the Imperial Palace in the car with the Empress, the same 14 minutes, arrived at the University of Tokyo Hospital. Greeted by Nagai, Professor of Cardiology, Kadowaki, director of the hospital and at the entrance, was entered in the hospital building.

The people at the Imperial Palace from 10:00 am to accept posting of sympathy begins, and hope the success of the surgery successfully made ​​the column. Although I think the success rate of surgery, there is no worry because as long as is close to 100% instead, I pray for the success and smooth recovery from heart surgery.

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