
際立つコクと香り(Outstanding flavor and aroma)

 価格は据え置きでSサイズ140円、Mサイズ190円。 使用しているコーヒー豆3種のうちブラジルとコロンビアの2種で、以前より深煎りの焙煎法「フレンチロースト」を採用した。

McDonald's Japan is 17, announced that regular coffee "premium roast coffee" and was renewed in all stores (hot). Changing the method of roasting beans, and highlights the richness and aroma than conventional products.

Size price is ¥ 140 S, 190 M yen in deferred size. Brazil and Colombia in two out of three species of coffee beans you are using, which adopted the "French Roast" method of roasting roasted depth than before.

Is usually in large quantities to roasting roasting method is not suitable for espresso, you are roasting in small quantity by two 100 kg, respectively.

Another feature that it does not fall even have cool flavor over time.

"We acquire new customers. Coffee is most important among the strengthening of the menu, but drivers strong increase frequency of visits" (Chief Executive Officer) The CEO Harada, who attended the presentation day was held in Tokyo and was. This idea by enhancing coffee, you want to give impetus to the achievement of the ninth consecutive year of increased sales at existing stores.

I'd like to actually taste the flavor and aroma to stand out.

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