
65歳以降も仕事を続けたい(Wish to continue working beyond age 65)

団塊の世代を含む60~64歳の5割超が65歳以降も仕事を続けたいと考えていることが22日、厚生労働省の「中高年者縦断調査」で分かった。70歳以降で も3割近くが仕事をしたいと望んでおり、働く意欲は強い。同省は「年金のほかに収入が必要な人や、健康維持、社会とのつながりを求める人もいて、働き続け る動機が多様になっている」と分析している。
 05年の初回調査で「60~64歳になっても仕事をしたい」とした人を追跡調査したところ、およそ4人に3人の74.8%が実際に仕事をし ていた。初回に仕事をしたくないと考えていた人も28.3%が働いており、特に男性は46.3%と女性(21.7%)の2倍超が仕事をしていた。

22, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare was found in the "middle-aged Longitudinal Survey" that the thought and wish to continue working beyond the age of 65 than 50% of 60 to 64, including the baby boom generation. We hope and want to work nearly 30% even after 70 years of age, desire to work is strong. That analysis "and has become diverse and motivated people in need of income in addition to pension, health maintenance, and some people seek ties with the community, continue to work," the ministry.
The survey, such as listening for the employment status and health status. Carried out for the first time in 50 to 59 years old in November 2005. Later, follow-up study that the same people every year. This time responses were obtained from about 26,000 people was November 10, and 55 to 64 years old.
Was to investigate and track the person who "want to work even though the 60 to 64" in the first survey in 2005, 74.8 percent of three people actually had to work about four people. 28.3% has been working some people were thinking and do not want to work for the first time, more than doubled in men (21.7%) 46.3% and women had to work in particular.
(Multiple answers) is the most "cost of living" is (63.8%), "compensate for the cost of living followed by" economic reasons, such as (32.2%) accounted for the top reason to do the job. In addition to "I like my job" "ties with the society" (24.2%), and were (23.8%) "health maintenance" (30.2%).
Sense to spend the rest of his life from retired slowly, because there are about 20 years later life Could it be that some are being lost. I might have compelling issues at stake that just can not live the same pension. It is best going effortlessly and continues to have a healthy work and think from sensation called "Pimpin 'effortlessly'. However, I want to work thinking about the location does not appear to affect the employment of young people. If you or I will consider also how the way to entrepreneurship work at the same time. It should be noted from there I hope, if Umarere new employment.

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