
トマトジュースが爆発的に売れ、品薄状態(Explosive sales tomato juice, scarce state)

 同店では、以前は1日に数本程度だった900グラム入りジュースが先週末から3倍のペースで売れ、たちまち品切れに。まとめ買いをする中年男性が 目立つという。来店した会社員は「メタボ対策になると聞いたので、これだ、と。ほかの店を探します」と残念そうに話し、店員は「売れるのはありが たいけど、ブームに振り回されている気分」と苦笑いを浮かべた。
 発端は、トマトに含まれる物質が血中の中性脂肪の値を下げることがマウスの実験で確認されたとする、京都大や食品メーカーなどの共同研究論文。研 究チームは「ダイエット効果を確認するには、さらなる実験が必要」としたが、「人間に置き換えればジュース200ミリ・リットルを1日3回飲むのに相当す る」とも説明、手軽さも合わさって消費者の期待感をくすぐったらしい。

After the papers to be effective fat burning ingredients of tomatoes has been announced in 10 days and news this month, selling explosive tomato juice at the supermarket around the country has fallen into a state scarce.
It is a phenomenon called the rush to be good and healthy food and diet and consumers' food Fadi algorithm ". We have different aspects of past TV shows and in many cases was the beginning, and the voice of "What was repeated once again" from the person in charge of supermarkets and manufacturers are rising.
14 days, super Osaka city center. And mouth to ask our guests to "Do you have tomato juice", the clerk had lowered his head many times. "Sold out at once, is still in stock ..."
In this shop, formerly sold at three times the pace from last weekend this juice was about number 900 grams per day, sold out immediately. Middle-aged men that stand out to the bulk buying. Talk regretfully "because I've heard to be anti-metabolic syndrome, locate the store the other. And, this is it" a company employee visited the store and the clerk, "It is sold but, thankfully, mood has been swayed by" boom and smiled a wry smile.
Is beginning, and was confirmed in experiments on mice that reduce the value of the neutral fat in the blood contained in the tomato material, such as joint research paper and food manufacturers, Kyoto University. The research team was "To see the effect of diet is required for further experiments," and describes both "corresponding to drink three times a day to 200 milli-liter juice if you replace the" human consumption Together also be easily seems to have tickled their expectations.
The shop also "Life Corporation" set up a total of 224 stores in the metropolitan area and the Kinki region, whereas juice is 4 times that of fruit and vegetable sales is 50% wider, all products disappeared. Out-of-stock store started out even, "Co-op Kobe," "I want to avoid stockouts" being chased to ensure the product and (spokesman).
And takes effect immediately, but I do not think, or I will not be dancing the media why it another way. I probably could end up located in the transiently.

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