
努力していることを褒める(Compliment the efforts that you have)

 ただし、「あなたは天才ね!」とか「頭が良いわね~」という褒め方は、努力すること(やる気)を褒めているのではなく、能力自体を褒めていることになるので、やりすぎると努力しなくなる(やる気を失う)ことがわかっていますから注意してください。「褒める」というのは、学問的には「報酬」です。好きな食べ物やモノを与えるというご褒美も悪くありませんが、やはり、言葉を使って褒めることが基本です。 さらに、言葉だけより、抱きしめたり、頭をなでたりというスキンシップは強い信頼感を生み、より効果的であることがわかっています。ただし親を含め、信頼していない人から褒められても、子供のやる気を起こさせることはできないという事実を付け加えておきましょう。子育てには、親子の間に信頼関係が築かれていることが大前提であることはいうまでもありません。

To humans, that there are two major essence of "social power" and "future-oriented ability to take action." And "future-oriented action force" is the ability to work properly with a purpose, and "social power" is ability to live well in society while wearing a variety of norms.
Children, in order to live toward the future, have a purpose, to achieve its purpose by lot to learn not only instinct. For example, the purpose of the boy of long ago is "good will hunting" was. For example, "to parenting and marriage" If it were a girl.
To acquire the ability to achieve a goal, the effort without having to learn a lot of wisdom and knowledge will not be heard. For the effort, "motivation", you will need the "motivation", ie. And, it is meaningful action to cause the "motivation" for this, called "praise" is very important.
First, If you praise a child with a purpose. After compliments efforts toward the next objective. And may be repeated every time Yuku approaching the purpose of "praise" will be the basis of "How to praise." "So that effort" is the driving force of future-oriented ability to take action, but praise the effort that is important.
That way, even without a compliment soon, will now own efforts toward the goal. If you have praised how to correct the child's parent in early childhood, "to endeavor" was a habit, for example, even upon examination, to grow their own children to study from.
However, "you are! I genius" who praise it "- sounds good head" or, rather than have praised (motivation) to strive, so that the praise itself capacity, too much Please note that because you know (feel a loss of motivation) can no longer make an effort. It called "praise" is "compensation" is academic. Although not reward bad things that give your favorite food and, again, praise the use of the word is basic. In addition, physical contact to be effective than words alone, or hug, that more or rub the head, produces a strong sense of trust has been found. Let's add the fact that even compliments from people, including the parent, you do not trust, motivating the children that you can not, however. To parenting, that the trust relationship has been built between the parent and child is a major premise, not to mention.
I think that praise for the result, but will have to practice many parents, the process and praise his effort and that is it less or not. I would not be important underlying affection, praise.

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