
Dog orchid

I performed it to Duc Lan whom there was near hot water of Happo (yoo-hoo) to ride a pet dog with all one's might today. It was the weather which mostly cloudy, but was a comfortable state to let the temperature was quite high and do the soft light. Snow is still left in the Yatsugatake. The tree does not seem to enter to the place producing a bud of the fresh green. Duc Lan was right in an exclusive state. I dashed flourishingly when used and ran about around me. According to the calendar, it will be attendance tomorrow. I was able to spend a happy time blessed with a climate in the first half for Golden Week. I am anxious about weather, but, in the latter half, intend to wrestle in the private vegetable garden.


They develop new electrode materials for batteries(蓄電池向けの新しい電極材料を開発)

Mr. Kabuuchi and Associate Professor Komaba of Science University of Tokyo developed new electrode materials for batteries in cooperation with GS Yuasa Corporation (GS YUASA). With oxide of iron and manganese, I save electricity with the sodium ion in large quantities in seawater in substitution for lithium ion. I aim at the practical use of a factory and the home battery with the goal of five years later.
Oxide which I developed almost includes iron and manganese in the same amount. Sodium ion collects as electricity in stratification between a layer and a layer. The speed of the putting in and out identified the thing that was equal to electrode materials of the lithium ion battery as an electric amount to be stored.
I depend on import for lithium of the rare metal (rare metal), but there is a lot sodium in seawater. With the spread of light of the sun and natural energies including the velocity of the wind, the expectation to a battery rises as an indispensable auxiliary equipment to supply electricity steadily without being influenced by the weather. The study team considers that the sodium ion battery which is not troubled with resources is stable in the future and can produce it.
I evaluated the performance as electrode materials this time. I will make a battery with an anode, carbon materials as a cathode in a relay in future. I aim at the practical use five years later while I compare the performance with the existing battery, and solving a problem at the earliest.
The development of the electrode not to use the rare metal for because expectation and the requests for the battery will increase in future will become important. I can want a further study to advance for the practical use of the high-performance battery which does not lose a conventional battery by all means.

東京理科大学の藪内講師と駒場准教授らはジーエス・ユアサコーポレーション(GSユアサ)と共同で、蓄電池向けの新しい電極材料を開発した。鉄とマ ンガンの酸化物で、リチウムイオンの代わりに海水中に大量にあるナトリウムイオンで電気をためる。5年後を目標に工場や家庭用蓄電池の実用化を目指す。
 レアメタル(希少金属)のリチウムは輸入に頼っているが、ナトリウムは海水中にたくさんある。太陽光や風力など自然エネルギーの普及ととも に、天候に左右されずに電気を安定供給するのに欠かせない補助装置として蓄電池への期待が高まる。資源に困らないナトリウムイオン電池は将来的にも安定し て生産できると研究チームはみている。


A team of a Negoro (moderate price) guest professors (internal medicine) of U.S. Harvard University discovered it and announced the protein about onset of acute renal failure to a U.S. science academy bulletin. The death rate of acute renal failure is high with approximately 50%, but there are only symptomatic treatments such as the artificial dialysis. I can expect it if I develop medicine holding a function of this protein in check when I lead to new treatment.
Clots are a chance, and, as for acute renal failure, the combination between the cells in the organization "renal tubule" of kidney reabsorbing water or glucose from the urinary cost that I filtered is broken and is known to develop. But it was unknown and disturbed the new medicine development what let you take a cell to pieces.
The team pays its attention to protein "Gα12" of the part of switch conveying a signal from the cell outside inside in cell surface. When this protein acted, I discovered that the combination between cells failed. In addition, I make the mouse that functions of this protein are always active artificially. Cells broke up more, and the function of the kidney came off.
I tell, Negoro "wants to aim at the innovative drug development I suppress the function of this protein, and to prevent acute renal failure". Because you hear that the number of people having acute renal failure is considerably high, you should be connected for innovative drug development.

急性腎不全の発症にかかわるたんぱく質を、米ハーバード大の根来(ねごろ)客員教授(内科学)らのチームが発見し、米科学アカデミー紀要に発 表した。急性腎不全の死亡率は約5割と高いが、人工透析などの対症療法しかない。このたんぱく質の働きを抑える薬を開発すれば、新たな治療につながると期 待できる。
 チームは、細胞表面にあって、細胞外からの信号を内部に伝えるスイッチ役のたんぱく質「Gα12」に着目。このたんぱく質が働くと、細胞同士の結合が壊れることを突き止めた。また、このたんぱく質の働きがいつも活発なマウスを人工的に作成。より細胞同士が ばらばらになって、腎臓の機能が落ちていた。

Cannot make use of brand power(ブランド力活かせず)

A Tokyo learning for women building size (Machida-shi, Tokyo) stopped the recruitment of new pupils of the next spring and understood that I closed a school in March, 2016 when attendance at school life graduated on 29th. I started the management of the four-year university backed by a brand power of the noble junior high school, high school which the foundation sailed up for the Meiji period, but grew an accumulated deficit to approximately 2,500 million yen without succeeding in a student offer while I invited 大学全入時代. The severe management environment of the private institution size was highlighted some other time.
It is thought to be the ninth school after the war that a four-year university stops the recruitment of students. I have already reported an offer stop to Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. After May 1, I hold a briefing session for approximately 300 attendance at school students. I continue running the K-12 to add as before.
"The girl education encouragement meeting" where Hirobumi Ito and Eiichi Shibusawa were engaged in the establishment for the Meiji period is the origin. Tokyo learning for women building of an educational foundation running K-12 (Tokyo, Shibuya) founds a junior college in 1956, and it is reorganized in 2002 by four years system University. I founded a school as a girl specialty college only for international colleges of liberal arts.
It is known even that the high school sends a passer to barrier University including Tokyo University. I aimed at the recruitment of students to order a brand, but the school expenses that were higher than the women's college of other metropolitan areas became the neck, and it was with capacity breaking since the opening of a school for 11 consecutive years. The situation that 3-4 percent degree was less than capacity continued, and I reduced capacity to 95 people from 115 people this spring, but the new student remained in 52 recently. The universities driven into the offer stop seem to increase in future. It is time to think about the way of the university seriously.



Relay development for electrolytes of the fuel cell(燃料電池の電解質向け新材料開発)

 The moat hair assistant instructors of Kyoto University developed a relay for electrolytes of the fuel cell. I can realize a fuel cell to be able to make it from cheap raw materials to use for a color without using expensive platinum. I will push forward a study I improve raw materials more, and to raise performance in future.
The relay is made just to mix zinc oxide and phosphoric acid, imidazole of pharmaceutical products raw materials to use for cosmetics with a mortar for approximately 5-10 minutes.
It is said that I can draw similar performance if I adopt it to a certain electrolyte between electrodes with a fuel cell without using the expensive materials such as the platinum catalyst.
I want I am cheap, and the fuel cell which is higher-performance than the fuel cell of the platinum catalyst to be in use by all means.


I went to enjoy a cherry tree with a pet dog(愛犬と一緒に桜を愛でに行って来ました)

I took pet dog Hana to the promenade along the Chikuma River which was the noted place of the cherry tree today. It was the weather that slightly mostly cloudy, but enjoyed a cherry tree in full glory to serve now. There was it of long holidays and many families and friends gathered including various places of the outside the prefecture and spent a time fun freely under the cherry tree. Various flowers are in full glory all at once and spring of Shinshu changes in a season of the fresh green.

I want you to make the gentle smartphone and pricing which the old and middle age was specialized in(中高年の特化した優しいスマホと料金設定にして欲しい)

NTT DOCOMO sets the data communication fee of the fixed amount about monthly basis 3,000 yen to a smartphone user for old and middle age to release in this summer. Approximately 40% is lower than a standard rate of current docomo, and it is in the lowest standard in the product for domestic NTT. I precede a rival by acquisition of the old and middle age layer with a few smartphone users and aim at a raise of the number of the contracts.
As for the object, the smartphone of "the phone is for a cell-phone made in Fujitsu easily". The design that I make the sound quality that the phone increases a letter easily and is easy to hear and am easy to use the old and middle age layer for is a characteristic.
Even if docomo releases a smartphone version, I judge that I do not use the Internet in comparison with the young group and hold down data communication fee. I narrow down an available function beforehand and, by interlocking movements with the healthy measuring equipment, meet needs of the old and middle age.
The data communication fee of the smartphone is 5,460 yen a month at a standard rate of docomo now. When SOFTBANK mobile made 4,410 yen with "iPhone" (iPhone) of the U.S. Apple Inc., and KDDI (au) contracted with fixed communication service with a set from March, I took in a fee structure to do the communication fee of the smartphone to 3,980 yen.
The popular series that the phone sells 20 million totals mainly on old and middle age from release of 1999 easily. I take in old and middle age as new constituency of the smartphones by setting low charge to a  smartphone version to spend in summer.
The smartphone is severe for the old and middle age that eyes are becoming hard to look have a small screen. I still feel the rate of Japan again at the same time in comparison with the foreign countries to be high. I want you to make the gentle smartphone and pricing which let you specialize in old and middle age by all means. It should become the environment that I follow the other companies by all means and am easy to use more.

NTTドコモは今夏に発売する中高年向けのスマートフォン利用者に、月額3000円前後の定額のデータ通信料を設定する。現在のドコモの標準的な料金に比べて約4割安く、国内のNTT 向けでは最低水準になる。スマートフォン利用者が少ない中高年層の獲得でライバルに先行し、契約数の底上げを狙う。
現在、スマートフォンのデータ通信料はドコモの標準的な料金で月5460円。ソフトバンクモバイルが米アップルの「iPhone(アイフォーン)」 で同4410円にしているほか、KDDI(au)が3月から固定通信サービスとセットで契約した場合に、スマートフォンの通信料を同3980円にする料金体系を取 り入れた。


I want to see it to hear an ancient tone!(古代の音色を聞いてみたい!!)

I understood that there was possibility of the world's oldest stringed instrument which existed in wooden goods excavated from Korekawa Nakai remains of (the Jomon period close) in about B.C. 1000 in Hachinohe-shi, Aomori in the study of Suzuki lecturer (archeology) of the Hirosaki academy size and others by 28th.
Because Mr. Suzuki resembles a primitive koto excavated from Toro remains (Shizuoka-shi) of the Yayoi period, I name it "a straw-rope pattern koto" and speak it, "it is the model of the Japanese koto".
The wooden goods are approximately 55 centimeters in length, approximately 5 centimeters in width, slim spatula types of approximately 1 centimeter of thickness. It features it in the projection that is square in the upper part, the lower part that there are a hole and chopping fine of approximately 1 millimeter in diameter. I am made of materials such as a cedar or the hiba.
I put several strings which assume a hair or hemp material through the hole and, according to Mr. Suzuki, form, and it is said that it is considered I resist it in the branch of a finger and the tree, and to have played it.
The world's oldest stringed instrument is considered to be a thing of about B.C. 433 excavated in 中国湖北省随県. If these wooden goods are stringed instruments, it will date back more than 500 years than it.
Mr. Suzuki announces the stringed instrument theory in 78. I insisted on the excavation team of Shiga with a grasshopper tool, and an opinion was divided. Mr. Suzuki starts a study in about the summer of 2008 again. There was a loss to disturb a projection and the work not to help a grasshopper and concluded it when it was not thought with the tool for grasshopper.
With that in mind, I manufacture a reconstruction product with the Sasamori special appointment professor (musicology) of the Hirosaki academy size. Sasamori special appointment professor really played it and proved that I was usable as a stringed instrument. I summarized two in a report in this February. I tell, "a person managing the courtesy like the shaman (magician) might flip Mr. Suzuki in the case of fortune-telling and prayer". It is great that our ancestors played the oldest stringed instrument in the world. And I am proud. It is a thing to want to see to hear an ancient tone by all means.

  その上で弘前学院大の笹森特任教授(音楽学)とともに復元品を作製。笹森特任教授が実際に演奏し、弦楽器として使えることを証明した。2人は今年2月、報告書にまとめた。 鈴木講師は「シャーマン(呪術師)のような儀礼を取り仕切る人が、占いや祈りの際にはじいたのではないか」と話している。我々の先祖が世界で最古の弦楽器を奏でていたという事は凄いことですね。そして、誇らしいですね。ぜひ、古代の音色を聞いてみたいものですね。

Increase to 4,000 people a foreign professors? !(外国人教授を4000人に増やす?!)

Meeting the government's national strategy set out a direction approximately 4,000-fold increase in the current two years in around 2020 the foreign professors of public and private universities. I aim to increase the opportunity to learn in a foreign language, including specialized subjects, leading to an increase in students from abroad and development of human resources can play an active role internationally. Incorporating the recommendations for economic growth also put together the same meeting in June of "Japan's revival strategy", and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and pack the concrete measures.

The number of full-time foreign professors in FY 11 is 1,996 people. Percentage of total domestic Professor, the past few years has remained at about 3%.

Subjects such as Chinese language as well as English and learn to make a lot of specialized subjects in a foreign language. The more you are expected to lecture in a foreign language in a wide range of fields such as economics and political science, and is also effective to attract students from overseas candidate is sluggish.

In coordination with the ministry, to consider, such as subsidies targeted to the university adopted the foreign professors. For large national will consider the expansion of the frame as a set with foreign drastic review of expenses in light of government policies to suppress the total labor costs, not increase the overall number of professors.

Have been developing recently, such as hammer out the transition to the University of Tokyo fall admission, the correspondence of each university was aware of the international competition. National strategy conference plans put in one of the eye-catching policy to promote the internationalization of universities and training of human resources to put together proposals for growth strategy, responsible for the next generation.

I feel the flow and to consider the quality of education, including universities such as the destination. Level of the university itself rises the hope that it will be international students to come together it will come together foreign researchers inevitably, I would not do either.

政府の国家戦略会議は国公私立大学の外国人教授を2020年をメドに現在の2倍の約4千人に増やす方向を打ち出す。専門科目を含めて外国語で学ぶ機会を増や し、国際的に活躍できる人材の育成や海外からの留学生の増加につなげる狙いだ。同会議が6月にもまとめる経済成長に向けた「日本再生戦略」の提言に盛り込 み、文部科学省と具体策を詰める。

310,000 square kilometers of continental shelf to be recognized as Japan(日本の大陸棚として31万平方キロメートルが認められる)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was announced as the continental shelf of Japan on the international law that can be collected and mineral resources of the seabed, and was recognized from the Committee of the United Nations, such as waters of the Pacific Ocean east of the Ogasawara Islands, approximately 310,000 square kilometers.
It was observed expansion of the continental shelf of Japan is the first time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have been "future, the development of natural resources such as rare metals is expected to become an important step towards the expansion of the maritime interests of Japan" .

In the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which then can be collected, such as mineral resources, waters 200 nautical miles = up to 370 km approximately from the shoreline as a general rule, and continental shelf of the country, for its outside, and thickness of sedimentary rocks and the terrain of the seabed certain conditions are met, Le et al. recognized as the continental shelf.

It was recognized, in the area equivalent to more than 80% of Japan's land, and four of the Pacific Ocean waters, such as sulfur and east of the Ogasawara Islands south of the island.
For around Okinotorishima, which had been urged to claim "It's not a rock island" China and South Korea will not be recognized, while the waters of the north of the island was recognized, the waters south of the island is screening has been postponed.
Has been seen on the seabed around the Ogasawara Islands, etc., and are distributed in the crystal was dissolved in hot water, such as copper and rare metals, such as "sea-floor hydrothermal deposit."
For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has "future, the development of natural resources such as rare metals is expected to become an important step towards the expansion of the maritime interests of Japan." I have a good direction towards Japan for a maritime nation. I want you to become the leader of the group is a maritime nation with a more focused development of marine resources.


World record of drilling of the seabed survey(海底の調査掘削の世界記録更新)

JAMSTEC is 27, drilling of the "earth ship" Earth exploration had been drilling the ocean floor off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture in order to clarify the generation mechanism of earthquake in eastern, reaches 7,740 meters in depth from the surface of the sea, survey of the seabed announced that it had updated the world record for the excavation.

Earth, launched an investigation off the coast of Oshika Peninsula in Miyagi Prefecture from April. Drill-down to bottom of 6883.5 m water depth, drilling to 856.5 meters below it. Depth of 7,740 meters from sea level has become.

So far, exploration of the United States by ship, 7,049.5 m in the Mariana Trench Challenger Deep was highest in 1978. At the same time as the investigation of the mechanism of earthquake occurrence, it is likely to exert a force to explore a variety of survey of marine resources.



Exhibition "books that changed the world"(「世界を変えた書物」展)

First edition of this valuable exhibition wrote in a book for the first time, the discoveries and inventions of the famous scientist will be held in Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, from May 27. 26, its contents have been published to the press.
As you follow the strange distorted room bookshelf, there is the number of books spread valuable people. Exhibition "books that changed the world", this first edition scientific discoveries and inventions are tied deeply in the lives of us now have been announced for the first time, about 100 books will be exhibited. The discovery of X-ray. First edition of "Principia" wrote, such as law of universal gravitation, the Newtonian mechanics. Kanazawa Institute of Technology was organized in the exhibition, has already collected more than 2,000 copies of these rare books, to publish on a scale of about a part of this, that's the first time. This exhibition is open until May 19, from 27 in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. Kanazawa is the furthest I come, I want to go to the exhibition will.

不思議にゆがんだ本棚の部屋をたどっていくと、そこに広がるのは貴重な書物の数々。この「世界を変えた書物」展では、わたしたちの今の暮らしにも深く結びついている科学的発見や発明が初めて発表された初版本が、約100冊展示される。レントゲンの発見。万有引力の法則など、ニュートン力学を記した「プリンキ ピア」の初版本。展示会を企画した金沢工業大学では、こうした稀少本をすでに2000冊以上集めているが、その一部を、これほどの規模で公開するのは初めてだという。この展示会は、金沢21世紀美術館で27日から5月19日まで開かれる。ぜひ、展示会に行ってみたい気はしますが金沢は遠いですね。

University of Science of Happiness(幸福の科学大学)

Announced the outline plan of happiness and Science University School science of happiness school corporation on June 25, held a press conference at the Chiba prefectural government, are planning to open in April 2015 in the village school Chosei. Faculty of human happiness (humanities, 170 people a year), Department of Future Industry (science, 70 people a year) at the Faculty of 2, the number of students in the entire grade 4 960 people are expected to be in scale.

According to the same school, planned construction site is approximately 170,000 square meters of the village close to the Kujukuri Ichimatsu. Science of happiness has received donations from religious corporation. There is land adjacent to the Museum "positive mind" Chiba religious institutions.

Installation school to college athletic facilities, such as the gymnasium, dormitory students, faculty, and administration building. Schoolhouse roof, students, faculty and, that the Plan on a total of about 3,000 local residents as a place that can accommodate a disaster such as tsunami evacuation. Although it would have the establishment of the university as the inevitable flow of religion, it is going to have attention or any education.


学校法人幸福の科学学園は25日、千葉県庁で記者会見し、長生村に2015年4月開学を予定し ている幸福の科学大学の計画概要を発表した。人間幸福学部(文系、1学年170人)、未来産業学部(理系、1学年70人)の2学部で、4学年全体の学生数 は960人規模となる見込み。

Dramatically extend the power tool of English magic(英語力を劇的にのばす魔法のツール)

 "Do not work you may study English"
"What do I do not know what to study"
Have to study English, said that or not?
In fact, many of these cases, these, for some reason is not followed by motivation or you are not English law was in his study, to study English, has been frustrated to learn English. Therefore, it does not get placed in their own English skills as you wish.
Law "will not stop the master map study are interesting English", in order to solve the problem and said,
"805 points in six months 280 TOEIC test point"
"Simultaneous interpretation and a half years in the booby → 3 graduation from college"
"10 million annual income annual income → 252 "
Is a book that described how to use the "master map" English magic tool dramatically extend Yayoi Oguma was achieved, was devised based on their experience, English language skills. In this one book, let yourself get through the English want to be!
Whenever greet the new year, because the situation has continued to study who did not get nervous of the outcome also quite bought the text, such as desperately in English of NHK, I might be a great way to break through the book of such a situation.
To celebrate the publication of this document and "the head office in Marunouchi," Maruzen, held an event celebrating the publication seems to be facing a teacher of English teacher raw charisma and a positive relationship is the author Yayoi Oguma.
If you want to know the secrets of studying English for 2 people, you will join us Why do not you how.

本書の刊行を記念して、「丸善・丸の内本店」で、著者である 小熊弥生さんとカリスマ英語講師の関 正生先生を迎えて出版記念イベントを開催するようです。


 Yesterday, we went out of business trip to Nagano. I went to Zenkoji because there was enough time until the return of high-speed bus. Cheerful, such as sweat, was ready to Hazakura cherry blossoms already. Was also made ​​to set off against the fresh green eyes. It would be crowded from the Golden Week was also packed a lot of tourists. I came to buy my daughter one academic charm.

77歳で通訳案内士試験合格(Pass the test to guide interpretation at the age of 77)

長崎県佐世保市黒髪町の元高校教諭、石橋さん(77)が、2011年度の通訳案内士試験に英語で合格した。2月の合格発表時は76歳で、英語の合格者では最高齢。70歳を超えてから挑戦を始め、4度目で夢をかなえた。喜寿を迎えて学習意欲はますます盛んで、「通訳案内のボランティアなどを通して 日本のことを世界に伝えていきたい」と意気込んでいる。

Former high school teacher, Mr. Ishibashi town of Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture black hair (77), which has passed the exam in English to guide interpretation of fiscal 2011. When the announcement in February at the age of 76, who is the oldest English pass. Including the challenge from beyond the age of 70, was in his fourth dream come true. Are enthusiastic desire to learn is "I want to tell the world that Japan such as through volunteer interpreter guide", is facing a Kiju increasingly popular.
Taught by adopting time-limited even after retirement as a teacher of English Prefectural High, he continued teaching for over 40 years. Thought after leaving the job, "to polish the English further, to take advantage of something or can not," said the guide aims to interpretation.
Qualified as a limited Prefecture at the age of 72. I started a challenge to the national qualifications also referred to as "citizen diplomat", can guide the foreign tourists get paid anywhere in the country. The trial not only language skills, extensive knowledge, but be asked history, politics, and culture, look back "study is fun, and I do not think had a hard time" and.
The test, carried out once a year in 10 languages ​​Government Tourist Office. English test for fiscal 3197 will take 11 people, who pass in 467 people, in the prefecture was only Mr. Ishibashi.
Daily routine once a week, in addition to working in organizations such as current affairs in English Katariau foreigners such as the U.S. Navy base in Sasebo, to read English-language newspaper went to the library. "He said in English was a friend to the world", as well as the most out Facebook or Twitter, are in contact with friends overseas.
Hope that "the era of the future, become more familiar with English, I want you to need more. To the younger generation and". It lowers the head to form folded luck. It is not something you want to walk aims to life the second and third.


ITベンチャーのセレゴ・ジャパン(東京都渋谷区)が提供するインターネット上の語学学習サービス「iKnow!(アイノウ)」が、ソフトバンクグ ループ約2万人の英語学習ツールに採用された。アイノウは7月に社内公用語を英語化する楽天の学習ツールとしても採用されている。今後もグローバル展開を 進める企業への導入拡大を目指す。
 アイノウは、ユーザーの学習を通じて、システム側が個人ごとの忘却パターンを把握。最適なタイミングで 繰り返し弱点を克服させることで記憶を定着させる。ゲーム性もあり、ユーザーを飽きさせない。一般向けにも月額1000円でサービスを提供しており、約3 万人のユーザーがいる。
 ソフトバンクには、今月23日から1年間サービスを提供する予定。すでに4600人の社員の学習で利用している楽 天では、3カ月間の実験で社員22人のTOEICスコアが平均で116点アップした。スマートフォン(高機能携帯電話)などで時間と場所を選ばず英語学習 を継続できるため、全社的な英語力強化に貢献できるとしている。外需を求めて海外に目を向けていかなければ状況の中で企業内での英語の必要性は今後も高まっていくことでしょうから会員数はもっと伸びていくように思いますね。

Service "iKnow! (Ainou)" Language Learning on the Internet that provides (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) has been adopted in English learning tool about 20,000 Cerego Japan Softbank group of T venture. Ainou has also been adopted as a learning tool Rakuten's English the official language to mosquito-house in July. Companies aim to promote the introduction and expansion of global expansion in the future.

Ainou, through the user's learning, forgetting understand the pattern of each individual system side. Entrench memory by repetition to overcome the weakness at the optimum timing. There are also games, not boring the user. Provides a service for $ 1,000 per month for the general public, there are approximately 30,000 users.

Softbank is expected to provide services for one year from the date of 23 this month. Rakuten has been available in the learning of employees of 4,600 people already, TOEIC score of 22 employees who were on average up 116 points in three-month experiment. You are because you can continue to learn English anywhere in time and (such as high-function mobile phones), and can contribute to strengthening the company-wide English smartphone. The need for English in the enterprise is the number of members as I think we will go from the more growth is also increasing in the context of the future must go abroad with an eye towards seeking external demand.

人工光合成(Artificial photosynthesis)

 大阪市立大は年3000万円程度の研究費を拠出する企業と「共同研究講座」をつくり、企業の研究者を教授もしくは准教授として迎える方針。 パナソニックや日立造船などが参加する方向で検討している。さらに会員制の「人工光合成フォーラム」(仮称)も組織し、講演会の開催や関連情報の交換など の活動にも取り組む計画だ。

Osaka City University in the spring next year, launch a new research building of the "artificial photosynthesis" to make fuel to mimic the photosynthesis of plants. Aim to establish the production technology of fuel in around 2030 as a base for promoting industry-academia collaboration and joint research enterprise to contribute research funding.

The new research building to set up (Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka) Sugimoto campus. Three-storey building, total floor area is approximately 1,500 square meters. Provide state-of-the-art analytical instruments and to analyze the structure of the protein, such as laboratory for companies that move. Construction costs will be borne in full Osaka 880 million yen.

Osakashiritsudai policy is to create a "course" Joint Research companies and to contribute research funding of about 30 million yen a year, welcome as associate professor or professor of corporate researchers. Being considered in the direction of, such as Panasonic and Hitachi Zosen to participate. Plans "artificial photosynthesis forum" of the organizational membership (tentative name), also address the exchange of information and related activities such as lectures held further.

Artificial photosynthesis, fuel system technology to make organic compounds such as methanol using solar water and carbon dioxide as raw material. Development of highly efficient catalyst the reaction of studies are underway in many parts of the world as a source of future energy has become an issue.

Osakashiritsudai has an excellent track record in research to elucidate the structure of the protein responsible for the photosynthesis of plants. Thought has some of the relevant number of researchers, if Kamaere based industry-academia collaboration, and further results can be expected. I hope the production technology been picked by fans to early commercialization of course in cooperation between industry and academia.

発電出力(ワット数)が最大2・5倍(Up to 2.5 times (the number of watts) power output)

身の回りの機械や構造体のごくわずかな揺れから電気を生み出す「振動発電」の研究分野で、発電効率が世界最高レベルに達する新合金を、弘前大学大学 院理工学研究科の古屋教授=機械材料機能学=と同大学院教育学研究科の小山教授=電子工学=らの研究グループが開発、実証実験に 成功した。開発したのは鉄とコバルトの合金で、実験ではこれまで振動発電に最適とされてきた鉄とガリウムの合金に比べ発電出力(ワット数)が最大2・5倍 となった。24日、弘前市で開いた公開実験で成果を公開した。
 実証実験に成功したのは、弘大の研究グループ6人。古屋教授らは、外部からの磁力で伸縮する「磁歪(じわい)材料」と呼ばれる金属による振動発電では、 合金組織によって発電効率が異なる点に注目。ともに強い磁性を持つ鉄とコバルトによる合金の構成比を原子レベルで探り、さらに熱処理の手法を工夫した。

In the research field of "vibration generation" produce, material functions of the machine = Professor Furuya, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, the new alloy to reach the world's highest power generation efficiency electricity from very slight shaking of the structure of machines and personal belongings successful development of the research group of Koyama et al. = electronics = Professor, Graduate School of Education, Science = and the same, to experiment. Was developed in the alloy of iron and cobalt, in the experiment (in watts) was 2.5 times the maximum power output compared to the alloy of iron and gallium have been ideal for vibration power generation so far. 24, has released the results published in the open experiment in Hirosaki.
The success in field trials, six of Hongik University research group. Prof. Furuya, called metal vibration caused by power generation in the magnetic force from the outside to stretch "magnetostrictive material (dwarf same)" and is focused on power generation efficiency point varies depending on the alloy structure. Explore the composition ratio of the alloy at the atomic level by iron and cobalt together with a strong magnetism, have devised a method of further heat treatment.
The magnetostrictive material is to generate electricity by winding a coil, vibrate, iron-cobalt alloy is characterized by high strength at low cost, and it can be processed into various shapes. That will enable the manufacture of power generation equipment for up to a few meters from the millimeter size or less for this purpose.
Published in the experiment, adhered to the rod-shaped aluminum plate, and vibrate the specimen of iron-cobalt alloy rolled coil, the waveform of the output voltage is displayed on the screen of the PC. Swing width of the waveform is greater than or equal to 2 times that have been confirmed compared to gallium alloy iron gave the vibration at the same time, shows the height of the power generation efficiency.
Vibration generator iron with gallium alloy Associate Professor Ueno of Kanazawa et al will have been studying for practical use. There is a possibility of obtaining even greater power With the new alloy has been developed. Why I do not know specifically what, how much power output of leaves, by increasing the device itself, a decent power output is I will not patience. It is attracting attention as one of alternative energy.


再臨主(The main Second Coming)

独島(日本名:竹島)問題で韓日間の緊張が高まる中、教師たちが、日本に伝えられた韓民族文化の現場を確認した。ここで教師たちは、先祖の対日文化 伝授の最大の目的の一つが、韓日間の対立の解決にあったことを確認した。その代表的なケースが、大阪の四天王寺。朝鮮と日本の交流を通じた平和を象徴する 「朝鮮通信使」の現場だ。教師たちは今月12日から17日にかけて、先祖のそうした知恵を学び、そこで学んだことを教室で生徒たちに伝えることになる。
新羅の攻撃に備える防御拠点だった福岡の太宰府を見て回り、奈良では百済人が古代日本の上層部を形成していたことを示す石舞台や、世界最大の木造建築物で あると同時に韓半島(朝鮮半島)系の手があちこちに加えられている奈良・東大寺、また三国古代文化の総合版といえる法隆寺などを見ることができた。6日間 にわたり各地で、先祖の高い文化水準と平和を追求する戦略的思考を目にすることができた。
講義初日の12日、鄭永鎬(チョ ン・ヨンホ)檀国大学教授は「皆さんは先祖が旅した道をそのままたどる」と語り、今回の踏査の意味を紹介した。

Dokdo: During the tension between Korea and Japan will increase in the problem (Japanese name Takeshima), confirming the site of the Korean teachers to ethnic culture, was conveyed to Japan. Teachers, one of the main purpose of initiation versus Sun culture of their ancestors, it was confirmed that there was to resolve the conflict between Korea and Japan here. A typical case is that, Shitennoji of Osaka. I site of the "Korean envoys" to symbolize the peace through the exchange of Korea and Japan. Teachers from 12 to 17th this month, things will learn the wisdom of those ancestors, tell the students in the classroom that we have learned.Survey, the 552 people Dan explore "The History of Koreans in Japan" 341 people, including teachers, look at that time about 2,000 years in the space of the Japanese archipelago, feel and advanced thinking.Around and look at the Dazaifu of Fukuoka was based defense to prepare for attack of Silla, in Nara Korean as well as a stage and stone indicate that Baekje people had to form the upper part of ancient Japan, in the wooden building the world's largest I could see and say Horyuji comprehensive version of the Three Kingdoms also ancient culture, Todai-ji Temple, Nara hands of the system (Korean Peninsula) have been added around the peninsula. For 6 days in various parts, we were able to eye the strategic thinking to pursue a high level of culture and peace of their ancestors.Sun 12 of the first day of lectures, (Jung-ho) is Professor, University of Dankook country "as it is the way everyone follow their ancestors had traveled" Narrative, and introduced the meaning of this survey Chung Yung-ho.Although dotted with many islands in Japan, has been utilized, such as from full Ruzai. Among them would have been criminals and political prisoners as well as intellectual. In terms of when such saw the whole of Asia, Japan is an island for Asia. You may have some person or persons who were in exile in Japan has flowed to the east while moving to the east. In ancient Israel was the kingdom of unity has been formed, and then separation into North and South Dynasties to distrust. That Judah Southern Dynasty, North Korea is Israel. It appeared in the world to base a Southern Dynasty Judah is Jesus 2000 years ago. North Korea has 10 tribes of Israel suddenly disappeared from the history. Do not you think I came to Japan while conveying the distinctive Christian people such flows to the east also. I think in ancient Japan, and what was not a civilized state and religious culture, such as various ethnic crucible from such a meaning. It was larger culture will influence civilization that had existed on the Korean peninsula. Roots are also said Mr. Kim is also Gimhae the Japanese imperial family.South Korea is a country that is represented as near and far, is a country in the bond and is inseparable friendship retrospect a long history. Maybe I need to go to understand each other become one more of each other towards a new future citizens. I went emits a voice and come again, Jesus 2000 years ago, disappeared on the cross dyed in bright red blood, but is said to have played a critical position in Japan was the world's confusion. That has flowed north to Japan descendants of Israel, I might have come on the second coming of the Lord that foundation. Maybe I do not much attention has been paid to Japan from its meaning.

約9割が賛成(Approximately 90% favor)

東京都の石原慎太郎知事が尖閣諸島(沖縄県石垣市)購入構想を明らかにして以降、4日間で約3500件の意見が寄せられ、その約9割が賛成だったことが24日、都への取材で分かった。現金書留などによる寄付も届いており、賛同の声はさらに広がる勢いだ。 石原知事が訪米し、ワシントン市内のシンクタンク「ヘリテージ財団」での講演で尖閣諸島の購入を表明したのは、日本時間17日未明。それ以降、20日までに都に寄せられた電話やメールを集計した。
  知事発言を受けて、猪瀬直樹副知事は「都の予算で購入することになるが、都民や国民から寄付が集まれば、予算を抑えられる」と発言。これに呼応するよう に、短文投稿サイト「ツイッター」にも、「微々たるものだが協力したい」「年金生活だが尖閣購入のためなら寄付する」といった書き込みが相次いだ。
すでに都庁には、現金書留などで寄付が約30件、数十万円寄せられており、こうした反響に猪瀬副知事もツイッターで「寄付の仕組みを詰めます。お気 持ち(志)はそれまで“貯金”しておいてください」と呼びかけた。猪瀬副知事は「国民的盛り上がりが大きいのは東日本大震災以降、日本列島や国土への認識 が強くなった結果」と分析。石原知事も「心強い。国を心配し愛してくれているんだと思う」と話している。

To clarify the concept since the purchase (Ishigaki, Okinawa), approximately 3,500 of opinion were received in 4 days, 24, to the capital that approximately 90% were in favor that the Senkaku Islands Governor Shintaro Ishihara of Tokyo was found in an interview. We arrived by donations such as cash by registered mail, voice of support is spread further momentum.
Governor Ishihara visited the United States, it was announced the purchase of the Senkaku Islands in a speech at "Heritage Foundation" think tank in Washington, the dawn on January 17 Japan time. The aggregated telephone and e-mail later, were received in the capital until the 20th.
According to the person receiving the opinions of citizens, asked opinions on specific measures of criticism and complaints almost said, "It is often this is only a rare voice in favor of" that.
Opinion in favor of "many voices, such as, the opposite is" "The government can not rely on" I hope to achieve "and" can not only to the governor Ishihara "why" "do not have to do is capital that the country do was such as "Do I have to buy one at the tax of citizens.
Remarks "The budget will be purchased at the city, and donations from the public and if Atsumare citizens, are on a budget" by the remarks, Governor, Vice Governor Naoki Inose is. Writing such as "Senkaku donation for the purchase, but if pensioners" 's one after another so that in response to this, even to the site "Twitter" post short, "I want to cooperate, but a paltry thing."
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which was quick guide to the top 30 about donation, several hundred thousand yen in cash, such as registered already, "(Journal) until it pack the mechanism of donation. Your feelings" on Twitter is also deputy governor Inose to echo these called for "Please keep the" savings. Lieutenant Governor analysis Inose, "It is a result of a large national upsurge since the earthquake East, awareness of the Japanese archipelago and land became stronger and". Talking with Governor Ishihara, "I think that love me worried about the country. Encouraging."
As early as the governor, plans to purchase describes the purpose in Parliament in June. Are talking about (LDP) is "direct the parties to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly but the political, economic, media, the entire nation, are being tested by this problem" indicate a blessing and Takagi, Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly. I hope this opportunity to, and be able to appeal to the world Japan become one strong love of big Japanese seedlings.


世界最高精度で太陽の大きさを測定(Measure the magnitude of the sun in the world's highest accuracy)

 太陽の大きさは、国際天 文学連合(IAU)で1891年に半径69万6千キロとされたが、観測機器の精度限界から数百キロの誤差がある。そこで2007年に打ち上げた月周回衛星 「かぐや」の観測データと金環日食を利用して、1ケタ高い精度で大きさを決定しようという試みだ。

In this annular eclipse, a team of astronomers from the observation organized by Japan's challenge to measure the size of the sun in the world's best precision.

The size of the sun, have been one thousand and 690,006 km in radius in 1891 (IAU) International Astronomical Union, there is an error of several hundred kilometers from the limits of accuracy of observation equipment. I tried using the annular solar eclipse observation data and satellite was launched in 2007 lunar orbiter "Kaguya" there, which attempts to determine the size of a digit is a high degree of accuracy.

At the end of the annular solar eclipse is to hide the edge of the sun towering mountains on the moon, ring of light is interrupted. By shooting, such as watches and records (global positioning system), to measure precisely to less than a thousandth of a second GPS time of this moment.

End time and calculate the radius based on the predicted solar radius of the IAU, from the difference between the measured time. Than expected as early as the end time, the radius is smaller than the number of IAU, the greater the slower.

The height of the mountain on the lunar surface is required to calculate, that can grasp with an accuracy of 10 meters from the observation data and furniture. Hide the size of the solar surface is 10 meters of the lunar surface is about 4 km, and also taking into account the error on the position of the earth and the moon, the overall measurement error is expected to be reduced to several tens of kilometers.

At the point of observation is scheduled from 18 of the Kyushu region during the Kanto region. Be enthusiastic about (astronomy), "I want to the first report by autumn. Also increases measurement accuracy The more observation points. Want a sunny day means" with Professor Naganokogyokotosenmongakko-Onishi, who is one of the founders. I will not be able to accurately measure the size of the sun in the annular solar eclipse can be observed benefit in a wide range of Japan. I hope the day is really sunny.

新たにひな2羽確認(2 new chicks feather confirmation)

 このペアは、ともに11年3月に放鳥された3歳雄と2歳雌。今年3月16日に営巣が確認された。同18 日に「抱卵」を確認。17日夕方から産卵を始めたと見られる。この巣では4月1日に四つの卵があるのが確認されていた。このため同省では、4羽目誕生の可 能性もあると見ている。

Ministry of the Environment on April 23, announced the release the proportion of ibis chicks in the nest a feather has been confirmed for the first time in 22 days Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, has been confirmed and two chicks a new wing. To verify the birth of the next day further chicks chicks birth has been confirmed for the first time in 36 years in the natural world, the voice of joy was boiled from the persons concerned.

Ministry from the early morning 23, the video camera placed about 40 meters away from the nest to continue the previous day. Around 40 minutes at 7 pm, it has three feathers in the nest from the video footage was collected has been confirmed.

This pair, and 2-year-old female was Toshio 3 March 11 to release the proportion of both. Nesting has been confirmed on March 16 this year. Check the "incubation" in the same 18. Seen as the egg-laying began from the evening of November 17. In this nest of four eggs is that there is on April 1 has been confirmed. The ministry have seen, there is a possibility of the birth of four end up for this purpose.

Smaller than the wings of the two newly discovered, a feather and the other two wings, and seen two or three days after birth, to receive a food that seems healthy. Found a feather and the other about a week from 5 days of age by the size of the chicks as much as was confirmed in 22 days. I want to feel your best over until fledging, but will have a variety of difficulties lying. We expect that many will increase the time of birth from a home.