
小惑星イトカワ微粒子が、世界で初めて一般公開(Fine particles asteroid Itokawa, the world's first public)

会場では「はやぶさ」の実物大模型をはじめ日本の宇宙開発を解説する多数の展示や宇宙食の体験食、宇宙服の試着などのほか、小惑星イトカワから持ち 帰られた微粒子2検体のライブ映像が、初期分析を行っている岡山大学地球物質科学研究センター(三朝町山田)の電子顕微鏡と会場を高速通信回線で結んで世界で初めて一般公開された。
 こんな催しを通じて未来の科学者の卵が多く誕生していくといいですね。微粒子を借りて研究を進めている他の大学関係の研究機関等でも、 こんな企画を進めて欲しいですね。

Particulate asteroid probe "Hayabusa" brought back from the asteroid Itokawa, "Tottori Space Science World in" is published 25 days, beginning at the center of town Dakyoji future Kurayoshi Kurayoshi Tottori Prefecture for the general public for the first time in the world , fans and families have packed a lot of astronomy from outside the prefecture.

In addition, such as fitting food experience of space food exhibitions and many described the Japanese space development, space suit, and live video of the specimen 2 particles that were brought back from the asteroid Itokawa, including the full-scale mockup of the "Falcon" at the venue, that is open to the public for the first time in the world connected by high-speed communication line electron microscope and venue of (Yamada, Misasa-cho) Okayama University Institute for Study of the Earth are doing an initial analysis.

To manipulate the electron microscope. Not like Teratani Kurayoshi, the universe is "child is six years of small companies were observed particles to remotely control the electron microscope from the floor, I came to see the exhibition of a lot, as expected was talking happily with "state of the surface was found to be well to observe the fine particles.

Visitors are invited to a lot of "I want to get a sense of taste in a lot of people excited about this. Good opportunity to tell folks the results of the study at the Center" Professor Nakamura center of the center.

I hope many eggs will the birth of the scientists of the future through this event. In other research institutes of the university have been studying the help of fine, I hope that this advance planning.

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