

愛知県心身障害者コロニー発達障害研究所(春日井市)は、体内のたんぱく質の一種に、恐怖や不安の増幅、ストレスによる活動低下など、うつ症状を誘発する働きがあることを突き止めた この働きを抑制する化合物をマウスに投与したところ、抗うつ薬を投与した場合と同様の効果も確認できたといい、同研究所は「うつ病の解明や新薬の開発につながる」としている。研究成果は米・学術誌「プロスワン」に掲載された。

(Kasugai) is, this work found that there is work to a kind of protein in the body, to induce amplification of fear and anxiety, such as reduced activity due to stress, and depressive symptoms Institute for Developmental Disabilities, Aichi Colony for the Handicapped so-called compound was administered to mice to suppress, and can also see the same effect as if the administration of antidepressants, and that "lead to the elucidation and development of new drugs for depression," the institute. The research findings were published in the "Purosuwan" academic journal Bay.

This protein "HDAC6 (6 histone deacetylase)." Found that contained many nerve cells in the brain that are in the same laboratory experiments using a mouse, and is associated with depression and autism. In addition, the mouse is lost HDAC6, was also found that compared with the mouse actively act normal, even when placed in an unfamiliar environment, less likely to feel anxiety and fear.

It is also heard in the children, even like a lot of children with autism and depression, I hope we tied to the development of new drugs such as fewer side effects.

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