

刺激のある環境で育つと、記憶力や学習能力が向上するとされるが、その時に脳で起きる変化を東京大学の廣川特任教授らがマウス実験で明らかにし た。神経細胞の中で分子の運び役をするたんぱく質が増えて、神経細胞のつなぎ目「シナプス」の形成を促していた。23日付の米科学誌「ニューロン」で発表 した。
 廣川さんらは、おもちゃや遊具を置いて刺激の多い環境にした箱と、何も置かない箱でそれぞれマウスを飼育。記憶力や学習能力をみるため、マウスをプール で繰り返し泳がせ、島にたどり着くまでの時間を調べたところ、刺激のある環境で育った方が回を重ねるほどより早くたどり着いた。
 この2種類のマウスの脳の変化を調べると、刺激の多い環境で育ったマウスは、神経細胞間の情報伝達に欠かせない物質を輸送する「KIF1A」というたん ぱく質が増え、働きも活発になり、シナプスの量が増えていた。遺伝子操作によってKIF1Aを少なくしたマウスは、刺激の多い環境で育てても、学習能力の 向上は見られなかった。

It is grown in and stimulating environment, and the ability to improve memory and learning, from the University of Tokyo Professor Hirokawa in mice have revealed a change that occurs in the brain at that time. More and more to the role of protein in nerve cells of the molecule carries, had urged the formation of "synaptic" joint of nerve cells. Was presented at the "neuron" 23 date U.S. science journal.

Hirokawa and colleagues, and the box was put in a noisy environment stimulation toys and playground equipment, each mouse bred Do not put anything in the box. Where memory and learning ability to see, swim in the pool the mouse repeatedly, we investigated the time to get to the island, arrived earlier than about who grew up in a stimulating environment and over time is.

If you examine the changes in the brain of these two types of mice, the mice grew up in an environment in which there is stimulation, a protein called "KIF1A" transport is increased to a substance which is not essential to the transmission of information between nerve cells, will actively work , the amount of synapses had increased. Mice to reduce the KIF1A by gene manipulation, even if raised in an environment in which there is irritation, improve learning ability was not observed.

Speak "KIF1A" Mr. Hirokawa is also in human beings, if you can enhance the function, "and can improve memory and learning disabilities.

Oki life stimulation, it may be that it will enrich your life. Moment of death, people will hear also remains hard to regret the loss of life or more often failure, did not run that tries to do. Maybe I say without fear of failure, or watching something new to challenge the search of a variety of stimuli.

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