
江西大墓の壁画(Large mural tomb of Jiangxi)

東京芸術大(東京都台東区)は27日、北朝鮮の世界遺産高句麗古墳群の一つ、江西大墓(こうせいたいぼ)(6世紀末~7世紀初め)の壁画を、独自の デジタル技術を使い世界で初めて原寸大で「復元」したと発表、公開した。この壁画は、高松塚古墳(奈良県明日香村)の壁画の源流とされ、同大学の特許技術で複製を制作した。

Tokyogeijutsudai (Taito-ku, Tokyo) 27, is one of Koguryo Tombs World Heritage Sites in North Korea, (pot you want to configure) your own digital technology, a mural of the (early 7th century between the end of sixth century) large Jiangxi tomb announced today that it has "restored" in the world's first full-scale use, open to the public. This mural is the origin of mural (in Asuka Village, Nara Prefecture) Takamatsu Tumulus, was produced at the University of replication at the same patented technology.

In the panel you paste the photo was printed on paper, reproduce the stone chamber of 2.3 m 3 m length, 3.2 meters wide, height. That is reflected in the rich colors such as Blue Dragon and Xuanwu four God. By using digital image processing to clear the positive film was filmed in the 1980s, painted with pigment.

Stone chamber of replication from March 16, to be open to the public (Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture) Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum. Means, I'd like to take a look at the spot. Is it going to revive it with a modern and vibrant colors are reproduced as well as many other mural With the digital technology.

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