
皇室のルーツ(Roots of the imperial family)

世界最大級の墳墓で、宮内庁が仁徳天皇陵に指定する堺市の大山古墳(5世紀中ごろ)で8日、仁徳天皇の命日祭「正辰祭」が営まれた。皇室が祖先を慰霊する私的祭祀の一つ。全国の天皇陵や陵墓参考地など約600カ所でそれぞれ年に一度行われているが、国民の目に触れる機会はほとんどなかった。宮内庁は今回、共同通信にメディアとして初めて正辰祭の取材や撮影を許可した。 堺市などが大山古墳を含む「百舌鳥・古市古墳群」の世界文化遺産登録を目指し、同庁に天皇陵の情報公開を望む声が高まる中、陵墓での祭祀の実態を知る貴重な機会として注目されそうだ。祭祀の実態を通じて皇室の様々な姿がみえてくると面白いですね。皇室のルーツ(日本民族のルーツ)が具体的に明らかにされるのはいつになるんでしょうかね。
 In the tomb of the world's largest, 8, "Masatoki festival" festival anniversary of the death of Emperor Nintoku has been practiced in the ancient tomb of Sakai City Oyama that you specify in the tomb of Emperor Nintoku Imperial Household Agency (mid-fifth century). One of a memorial ritual private imperial ancestors. There have been over once a year each at about 600 tombs, such as ground and reference Ten'noryo across the country, opportunities in the eyes of most people did not. This time the Imperial Household Agency, and were allowed to shoot for the first time as the media coverage of the festival Masatoki to Kyodo News. Voice in Sakai City and other cultural heritage aims to register the world, including Oyama tumulus "tombs Furuichi Mozu", overlooking the disclosure of information to the agency Ten'noryo will increase, attracting attention as a valuable opportunity to know the reality of religious service in the Royal Tombs they are likely to be. It is interesting to see a figure coming through the reality of a variety of imperial ritual. It is revealed specifically imperial roots (roots of Japanese race) is or I would not be time.

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