
出る杭を伸ばす(Extend the nail that sticks out)

 「I want to produce a new chair which can put luggage under it.」(私はかばんを座 席の下に収納できる新しいいすを開発したい)。1月中旬にあった科学英語の授業。学生が順に、いすや車のデザインについて、英語で考えを発表した。

Grow and world-class scientists, Akita University Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science is the current fiscal year, began to develop special projects. Training from a field grade English and science, there is the way of early graduation. It "sticks out to extend the phrase" put the name is.

"I want to produce a new chair which can put luggage under it." 

  Science and English class was in mid-January. Students in turn, about the design of chairs and cars, has announced the idea in English.

Boost in English and at a loss for words, "even if it is not finished idea, try talking first enjoy feeling" and is Associate Professor Eva Ghraib. Tuition of about one and a half hours will be conducted in English almost. I want to stretch the nail that sticks out a lot. From university, I want to run it thinking a lot more flexible.

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