
国公立大の2次試験(Secondary test Kokkoritsudai)

国公立大の2次試験の前期日程が25日、始まった。前期日程実施校は156大学530学部。志願者数は前年度比496人減の26万7733人で、募 集人員に対する志願倍率は前年度と同じ3.4倍。東日本大震災で被害の大きかった岩手、宮城、福島の3県では志願者減が心配されたが、福島大など増えた大 学も。昨年、京都大の2次試験でカンニング事件が起きたことを受け、同大をはじめ、各大学は試験開始前に受験生の携帯電話の電源を切らせるなど対応に追われた。
 被災3県の主な国立大について前期日程の志願者数と志願倍率を見ると、福島大が前年度比207人増の1659人で0.4ポイント増の3.4倍。岩 手大は129人増の1613人、0.2ポイント増の2.5倍で、ともに増加。東北大は418人減の4945人、0.2ポイント減の2.7倍と、微減にとど まった。
 2次試験全体の志願者数は9380人減の49万4813人で、志願倍率が0.1ポイント減の4.9倍。学部系統別の志願倍率は、人文・社会科学系 が0.3ポイント減の4.8倍、自然科学系が4.9倍で前年度並み。就職に強い理系が人気を保ち、「理高文低」の状況が続いている。

Schedule 2 of the first half of next test Kokkoritsudai 25 days, began. 530 university undergraduate school the previous year implementation schedule 156. Number of applicants in a decrease of 267,733 people 496 people compared to the previous year, 3.4 times magnification applicants for personnel recruitment is the same as the previous year. 3 Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi, Fukushima was heavily damaged in the earthquake of the East have been worried about the decrease of applicants, such as increased Fukushimadai University. In response to last year, the second incident of cheating in the exam, Kyoto University, including the university, each university was forced to respond to, such as turning off the mobile phone of students prior to the start of the trial.

Looking at the number of applicants and applicants magnification of the previous fiscal year schedule for major national university of three prefectures affected, an increase of 3.4 times 1659 people, an increase of 0.4 points in the previous fiscal year 207 people have Fukushimadai. Iwate is an increase of 1,613 people 129 people, an increase of 0.2 points in 2.5-fold increase in both. Tohoku University is a decrease of 4,945 people 418 people, a decrease of 0.2 points and 2.7 times, was only slightly decreased.

Of the total number of applicants for the following two tests is 494,813 people, down 9,380 people, down 0.1 points 4.9-fold magnification of the applicant. Magnification of a different lineage undergraduate applicants, Nami 4.8 times 4.9 times the previous year, down 0.3 points, and the natural sciences and social sciences and humanities. Maintaining strong popular science to find employment, followed by the status of "low Takafumi reason".

It seems the test is progressing without any particular confusion is unfortunately the weather of rain, snow, cloudy or nationwide. Means, I want your best to demonstrate the ability more than enough.

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