
科学技術立国の危機(Crisis of the world leader in science and technology)

  大学生の数学力低下は1990年代から指摘されるようになった。高校の補習をする大学も年々増え、文部科学省の平成21年度調査では約37%に当たる全国 274大学で実施。さらに、最近は数学力の低下に拍車がかかり、入学試験や大学1年生の期末試験で全く意味が通じない解答が増えてきているという。
  今回、調査の対象となった大学生は、教育内容が大幅に削減された平成10年改正の学習指導要領で学んだ、いわゆる「ゆとり世代」。ゆとり教育では、授業時 間を減らし基礎をしっかり身につけさせることが目的だったが、今回の調査で、基礎的な要素すらも習得できていないことが改めて裏付けられた。昭和大の小野客員教授は「数学以前に日本語の文章力ができていない」とも指摘する。
 こうした事態を受け20年に改正された新学習指導要領では知識を 定着させるため、授業時間を3割増やして繰り返し学習を実践。実際に「書かせる」授業も増やし思考力を養っていくことを目指すが全面実施は小学校で今年度、中学校で来年度からで、「成果」が表れるのは何年も先だ。
 教育の結果は、すぐに現れてこない点が恐ろしいですね。 いいと思って実施しても結果的に失敗して取り返しのできない損失を与えることになりかねませんね。まさに「ゆとり教育」は日本の教育史に大きな汚点を残す結果をまねくかもしれませんね。英語の必修化も、どんな結果をもたらすのか注目ですね。昔から読み書きそろばんと言われました。その意味から英語以上に国語と数学に力をそそぐべきでしょうね。

Serious situation of college students in the enrollment fall at the University will be discussed the development of global human resources is determined, does not have to acquire the elementary "mathematics" that becomes the foundation of science and technology force and logic directly linked to bargaining power has become clear . Voice of the "crisis of the world leader in science and technology" from the experts is that up.
Power degradation of university mathematics began to be pointed out since the 1990s. Increased every year of high school tutoring to college, in the FY 2009 survey by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology conducted at the University of 274 corresponds to about 37% nationwide. In addition, the recent decline of the force takes to accelerate the mathematics, that the answers have been increasing meaning is not at all through a final exam grade and college entrance exam.
This college student, was the subject of the investigation, learned in the course of study of the 1998 amendment educational content has been greatly reduced, and generation "clear" so-called. In education with latitude, but was firmly equip purpose is to reduce the time teaching the basics, in this survey have not been able to learn even the basic elements were again supported. Also pointed out "you are not writing in Japanese force before math" visiting professor of Showadai Ono.
In the new curriculum guidelines have been revised to 20 years received such a situation is for fixing the knowledge, practice the learning repetition time 30% tuition increase. Is fully implemented this year, it appears that "results", is from the next fiscal year at a junior high school at the elementary school is many years away, but aim to go feed the power actually thinking also increase tuition "to write".
In the flow of university reform aims to globalization, represented by the study of the "fall admission" is improving the quality of students is required. "Math professor of Tokyo University Miyaoka is the President of the Mathematical Society of Japan is the foundation to support science and technology, power logical nurtured in mathematics in Japan disaster-prone will survive I need to intellectual level not blessed with natural resources. Essential in international negotiations are growing increasingly a sense of crisis "and can not be.
Result of education, it is terrible that point the child does not show up immediately. I could not be giving a loss that can not reclaim it fails as a result performed also thought good. Exactly "relaxed education" might actually be the result in a large blot in the history of Japanese education. Also compulsory in English, she is attention or bring any results. I was told a long time reading and writing and abacus. Should I focus on math and English languages ​​from more than its meaning.

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