
明治大学3年連続の1位(# 1 for the third consecutive year, Meiji University)

明治大学の2012年度一般入試の志願者数が29日現在、112342人に達し、初の全国1位となった2010年度から3年連続の1位となる事が確実となった。志願者数が10万人を超えるのは6年連続、11万人を突破したのは3年連続となります。 昨年3月に発生した東日本大震災を受け、明治大学では被災した2012年度入試の受験生について入学検定料(受験料)を全額免除。また、被災学生を対象に今年度実施している授業料減免や修学助成金などの特別措置について、2012年度新入生にも適用する事を決定してい。 明治大学では近年、教育・研究の充実に加え、キャンパス整備や新学部の設置などの諸改革を積極的に進めています。20134月には、東京都中野区に第4のキャンパス「中野キャンパス」を開校し、10番目の学部となる新学部「総合数理学部」(仮称)などを設置。入試改革では、2007年度より複数学部が併願可能な「全学部統一入試」をスタートし、全国8都市で実施してい。 また、学生の就職・キャリア形成支援にも力を入れており、「就職の明治」として、学内外から高い評価を受けています。「『個』を強くする大学」のスローガンの通り、政官財界のみならず、スポーツや芸術・芸能分野でも多くのOBOGが活躍してい。なんで、そんなに人気があるのかと思ってしまいますが様々な面で、大学側も努力しているということなんでしょうね。その結果として志願者数が連続1位になっているんでしょう。受験料って平均すると3万円程ですから、受験収入って大学にとっては馬鹿になりませんね。

To become # 1 for three consecutive years from FY 2010 FY 2012 the general number of applicants for the entrance examination of Meiji University is currently February 09, reached 112,342 people, was ranked first nationwide has become a certainty . It more than 100,000 the number of applicants for six consecutive years, it broke through the 110,000 people will be the third consecutive year. East received the earthquake that occurred in March last year, at Meiji University is fully exempt from the application fee (fee) for the entrance examination for students in fiscal 2012 were affected. In addition, special measures such as subsidies and scholastic tuition exemption has implemented this fiscal year for the students affected, has decided to also apply to new students in 2012. At Meiji University in recent years, in addition to the enhancement of education and research, are actively promoting the reforms, such as maintenance and installation of new undergraduate campus. In April 2013, opened the "Campus Nakano" fourth campus in Nakano-ku, Tokyo, "Faculty of Science, the number of" Comprehensive new faculty and faculty of the 10th and installation (tentative name). Reform in admissions, applying to more than one school that can be started multiple faculty from fiscal 2007 to "all undergraduate admissions unity", has been carried out in eight cities across the country. In addition, we also focus on career development support of student employment, as the "Meiji of employment", has received high praise from inside and outside the university. As the slogan of "the university strongly" individual "," not only among politicians, bureaucrats and business leaders, OB · OG that many also active in the field of sports and arts and entertainment. I would not be in many ways, the effort that the university is also why, but I thought it would be so popular. Number of applicants would not have been # 1 in a continuous and as a result. Is about 30,000 yen from an average fee What, for university income What I will not be a fool examination.

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