
衛星にやさしい改良(Improved satellite-friendly)

H2Aロケットは昨年12月、20号機の打ち上げに成功し、成功率が信頼性の目安となる95%に達した。だが、北緯約30度にある鹿児島県種子島 から打ち上げるH2Aは、衛星を赤道上空の静止軌道に投入する際、衛星側に余分な燃料を使わせてしまう。衛星の寿命も短くなる。
 その結果、赤道付近から打ち上げられる欧州のアリアンロケットなどに衛星打ち上げの注文を奪われてしまうことが多かった。改良型では、第2段エン ジンの使用時間をこれまでの1時間から5時間に延ばし、衛星側の燃料使用量を少なくする。衛星の分離機構も爆薬を使わない方式に変更し、衛星に与える衝撃 を約4分の1にする。信頼性が95%に達しましたからコストや寿命などを考えて改良を加えていく必要があるんでしょうね。ぜひ、衛星ビジネスで世界をリードする立場に立って欲しいですね。

Aerospace Research and Development Organization on March 9, made ​​it clear domestic policy to improve the H2A rocket, launch the first unit of an improved in fiscal 2013.

By the improvement, there is aim to be able to save fuel with an artificial satellite, to ensure a competitive edge in the business launch of the world.

H2A rocket was successfully launched reached 95% last December, of No. 20, the success rate is a measure of reliability. However, H2A launch from Tanegashima, Kagoshima Prefecture in north latitude about 30 degrees, when you put into geostationary orbit above the equator of the satellite, they allowed to use the extra fuel to the satellite. Shorten the lifetime of the satellite.

As a result, they were often deprived of the order of the satellite launch rocket such as the European Ariane to be launched from near the equator. Improved type, extending from one hour to five hours of use until this time of the second stage engine, to reduce the amount of fuel use of the satellite. To about a quarter of a shock to change the method that does not also use the Explosives satellite separation mechanism, give to the satellite. I would not have made ​​improvements necessary to consider such as cost and life has been reached from 95 percent reliability. Means, I want standing in a position to lead the world in satellite business.

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