
働くことに対する意欲が低下(Decreased willingness to work)


Was found in a survey conducted by the Sankei Shimbun that the feel of college students in recent years about the aim to find employment "willingness to work", universities and more than half "has declined". From the survey, young people can not become a statue glimpse forward a concern for the university to work72% of university respondents, feel that the "decline of the desire to work" 56 percent, the "view of the immaturity of occupational professionalism" of the students. More specifically point out that many colleges and universities such as "will not have expectations and dreams for the future" "can not have that sense of purpose to work."I asked the cause, such as "there is no clear competitive education in the evils of" "hungry spirit has been diluted in pampering and over-interference", (National University of the West) (Big East's private), of the richness voice as a compensatory phenomenon that accounted for the majority.The survey was carried out at the same time company, I heard multiple answers, especially to students who want to find the ability to adopt, 82% of companies answered "tenacity and stress tolerance." Followed by "communication skills" (79%). First the education needs of wanting polish for qualified companies seeking various skills such as strong, and interview measures is small, and people had a strong profession.When asked the university for, "The ability to feel the difficulty to extend", 32% of the most frequent "stress tolerance tenacity" also. Followed, the "improvement of willingness to work" "ability to adapt to the environment." We questioned the lack of perseverance of the students in recent years, enterprises, both university, and the training seems to have become an issue."The problem should be considered by society as a whole" to the current sense of crisis like this is strong, and voice (National University of the West), "a new educational curriculum should" call for a review of fundamental, such as (business communication), of the nature of vocational education but there was more.
Are talking about my job, there are many opportunities to meet with the president of many small businesses, to our mouth, "a lot of skill, but do not want, I want someone to be gentle, long-lasting aside" the president and many. Reality is, I guess that would be that many young people been forced to quit a variety of situations. I certainly feel "stress tolerance tenacity" and has declined.
Future sounds like it will be tough if not hit the hand to catch squid as a problem of society as a whole, including the adult has been to create an environment I do not embrace your dream.

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