
せっせとトマトを食べましょう!!(Eat tomatoes away! !)

 同研究は同大大学院農学研究科の河田教授らの研究グループと、財団法人かずさDNA研究所の柴田部長、日本デルモンテ、千葉県農林総合研究セン ターが共同で実施。肝細胞などを用いた解析で発見した高脂肪食与えた肥満マウスに新成分を投与したところ、血中および肝臓中の中性脂肪量の上昇を抑制した ほか、脂肪燃焼が高まったという。

Kyoto University, 10 days, has announced that it was confirmed that the tomatoes that are included in the valid new component to the improvement of blood diseases such as fatty liver and high triglycerides. The tomato is that there is a component of antioxidants such as carotene and lycopene are known, I discovered the active ingredients to improve the metabolic syndrome is the first time.
The research conducted in collaboration with research group of Prof. Kawada university Graduate School of Agriculture, Director, Kazusa DNA Research Institute Foundation Shibata, Nippon Del Monte, the Chiba Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center. Was administered a new ingredient in obese mice given high-fat diet was found in the analysis using, for example, liver cells, in addition to suppress the increase in the amount of neutral fat in the liver and in blood, that was growing fat burning.
But tomato is known throughout the world there is a proverb about health as a vegetable called "When the doctor has a blue tomato red", is also expected preventive effect of metabolic syndrome in the discovery of new components. I think I will eat away the home garden tomatoes made ​​up of tomato season, but have time.

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