
無投票で7選が決まる(7 election is determined without a contest)

任期満了に伴う長野県南佐久郡川上村長選は7日告示され、現職の藤原忠彦氏=無所属、大深山=が立候補し、無投票で7選が決まった。同村長選の無投票は3回連続。7選は、県内首長で最多。 藤原氏は当選後、無投票での7選について「選挙で政策を訴えたかった」とした上で「目線を下げて世論をしっかりと聞いていきたい」と述べた。「常に新しい感覚で、住んで良かったと思える村にしたい」と強調し、農業が村の柱であることを念頭に「村の活力を伸ばすため、農業政策だけでなく医療や福祉などにも力を入れていく」とした。 藤原氏は昨年12月の村議会定例会で立候補を表明。2010年4月から全国町村会長を務めている。対立候補も出ないということは現状の村政に疑問を持つ方々もいないということなんでしょうかね。それにしても、そろそろ世代交代が必要な気もしますがどうなんでしょうかね。

Kawakami-gun, Nagano Prefecture Minamisaku mayor election due to the expiration of the term is 7 days notice, Mr. Tadahiko Fujiwara incumbent = independents, = Omiyama is a candidate, without a contest was decided to select seven. Mutohyo the same village headman election three times in a row. 7 election, the largest prefecture in the Emirates. Said, "I want to hear your eye firmly on the public opinion down" on after being elected was Mr. Fujiwara, "I wanted a policy in the election complained" about the election of seven without a contest. For emphasis, "I want to village seems a new sense, and good living," Always extend the vitality of the village "in mind that agriculture is a pillar of the village, power also, such as medical care and welfare as well as agricultural policy was the "go put. Mr. Fujiwara is a village meeting expressed their candidacy at the regular meeting of December meeting last year. He has served as Chairman of towns and villages nationwide from April 2010. That no candidate for conflict is also not that I do will not even people with questions about the current Sonsei. Even so, I would not do either, but I will also need a generational change soon.

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