
成人T細胞白血病を「がんワクチン」で治療(Treatment in the "cancer vaccine" to adult T-cell leukemia)

大阪大病院(大阪府吹田市)は今春、成人T細胞白血病(ATL)を「がんワクチン」で治療する国内初の臨床試験を始める。大阪大医学部の倫理委員会 が10日、承認した。効果を確認したうえで数年以内に一般的な治療法となるようにしたいという。患者本人の免疫力を高めてがんを征圧する手法で、副作用の 心配も少なく、新たな治療法として期待される。
 ATLは、免疫細胞のT細胞がウイルスによってがん化して免疫力が急激に低下する。ほかの感染症で死亡することが多い。国内の感染者数は100 万~200万人とみられる。母乳などを通じて感染し約50~60年の潜伏期間を経て、毎年約800人が発症する。抗がん剤を使う化学療法などが効きにく く、治療が難しいとされてきた。

(Suita City, Osaka) this spring, starting the nation's first clinical trial to treat with "cancer vaccine" to (ATL) adult T-cell leukemia Osaka University Hospital. Osaka University School of Medicine Ethics Committee on December 10, was approved. That would like to become a common treatment within a few years on the effect was confirmed. In the Seiji pressurizing technique to enhance the immunity of the cancer patient, less to worry about side effects, which is expected as a new treatment.

ATL, the immunity will rapidly drop of cancerous T cells by the virus of immune cells. Often die from other infections. Seen the number of persons infected with the domestic and 1-2 million people. After an incubation period of about 50 to 60 years, such as infected through breast milk, about 800 people each year develop. Has been to use anti-cancer drugs such as chemotherapy effectiveness is difficult, and difficult to treat.

Cancer cells is not a foreign body penetrated from the outside of the body, less susceptible to attack of immune cells. However, it is known that if there is a protein called "NY-ESO-1", as immune cells to attack foreign substances.

I just wish for the commercialization of early stage that you consider the number of infected persons and from that point is also good control of cancer to increase immunity of the person in question.

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