
皇居で3割節電(30% power savings at the Imperial Palace)

 同庁は宮殿や同庁庁舎、天皇、皇后両陛下のお住まいの御所など皇居内の施設のほか、皇太子ご一家のお住まいの東宮御所 などを節電の対象とし、皇居全体では最大使用電力を昨年夏と比べ20%以上、東宮御所では15%以上抑制することを目標に掲げていた。皇居全体では最大使用時でも29・9%、東宮御所では39・7%削減した。

29th Imperial Household Agency, subject to earthquake East, power-saving plan for July to September are summarized in June, announced the goal.

The agency and the agency building the palace, the emperor, as well as facilities such as the Imperial Palace in Imperial Empress residents, subject to the power savings and your family live Crown Prince Crown Prince's Palace, Imperial Palace throughout the year with a maximum power more than 20% compared to summer, the Crown Prince's Palace was a goal that more than 15% inhibition. 29.9% across the Imperial Palace even when using the maximum reduction in the Crown Prince's Palace was 39.7%.

The agency is a temporary event in the great palaces of power, such power-saving measures were taken at the Imperial Palace to do. Also at Imperial Majesties off or you do not need air conditioning, power savings had been working diligently to turn off lights, etc..

Japanese parents standpoint, I head down to luck folded form. I really think it .

プラグインハイブリッド車(Plug-in hybrid)

東京都江東区の東京ビッグサイトで30日、一般公開に先だって報道陣に披露される「第42回東京モーターショー」では、家庭用電源で充電できるプラグイン ハイブリッド車(PHV)に各社が力を入れる。ハイブリッド車(HV)の“進化形”として来年以降は市販車が続々と登場する予定。エコカーの新たな選択肢として、どこまで受け入れられるか注目される。一般公開は12月3日から。

30 at Tokyo Big Sight in Koto Ward, Tokyo, will be presented to the press prior to the public, "the 42nd Tokyo Motor Show," provides the power supply plug-in hybrids can be charged at home (PHV) to step up their respective . Hybrid vehicles (HV) of the "evolution" is scheduled to appear next year as we continue with the car on the market. A new choice of eco-friendly vehicles to be seen how far accepted. General public from December 03.
29 Toyota, will be released in January next year. "Prius PHV" released. Increased about three times the battery capacity of a conventional Prius, electricity can travel 26 km if you just charge a full tank. If lubrication is not necessary for everyday shopping around. Time and charge fees for the price of the vehicle, I would become a problem or how much. We expect to be better than competing companies price and performance.

異性に関心を示さない若者(Heterosexual young people show an interest in)

 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所が18~34歳の未婚者を対象に実施した調査によると、「交際している異性がいない」と答えた人は男性の61%余りを占め、 2005年の前回調査から9.2ポイント増加。女性は約50%だった。さらに、交際相手のいない男女のうち45%が、異性との交際を特に望んでいないと答えた。
 今年初めに発表された日本家族計画協会による調査では、16~19歳の若者のうち、セックスに「関心がない」「嫌悪感がある」と答えた男性は08年から19 ポイント増えて36%、女性も12ポイント増えて59%に達した。恋愛やセックスに興味を示さない「草食系」の若者が増加しているとの説を裏付ける結果と なった。
 日本は出生率が1.34と世界の中でも非常に低く、一方で5人に1人が65歳以上という高齢社会だ。日本経済団体連合会は出生率 を上げようと、3年前に会員企業1600社に対し、既婚の従業員を早めに帰宅させる配慮を求めた。しかし調査結果のデータをみる限り、状況は改善されていないようだ。
 2000年前、十字架に向かうイエス様はこんなことを述べています。「 エルサレムの娘よ。私のために泣くな。むしろ、あなた方自身のために、また自分の子供たちのために泣くがよい。不妊の女と子を産まなかった胎と、含ませなかった乳房とは、さいわいだ」という日が、いまに来る。

Increasingly serious problem in Japan, an aging, more and more young people show an interest in the opposite sex. A survey released last week showed that no other company has more than 60 percent of single men to women.
According to a survey conducted on those aged 18 to 34 unmarried National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, "that no isomerization dating," said they accounted for more than 61% of men in 2005 increased 9.2 points from the previous survey. About 50% were female. In addition, 45 percent of men and women are not dating partner, said the company did not want, especially with the opposite sex.
In addition, one in four unmarried men and women in the late 30s, it was found that there is no experience of sex.
86% of those unmarried men, 89 percent of women answered one would like to marry. The reasons are not married, raised more than 40% economic instability.
A survey by the Japan Family Planning Association announced earlier this year, among young people aged 16-19, to sex, "not interested" "disgust that" 36% of male respondents and 19 point increase from 2008 reached 59% and women up 12 points. Show no interest in sex and romance "herbivorous" was the result confirms the theory that an increase in young people.
Japan is very low among the world birth rate is 1.34, but the aging society of more than 65 years while one in five. Japan Business Federation to raise the birth rate for 1600 by member companies three years ago and called attention to married employees go home early. As far as the survey data, however, the situation does not seem to have improved.
Heterosexual interest in nature and I feel it's time  do not have to worry about coming from budding. There is no need to have sex anyway . Before you interested in the opposite sex, as men, as women need to become respectable. From the perspective such, it seems a good situation in Japan.
2000 years ago Jesus toward the cross, said to be like. "Daughter of Jerusalem. A cry for me. Rather, its better for you, good for her children crying again.  fetuses and children and infertile women, did not include and breast, but fortunately "that day, come now.
And when you are shown a true marriage, I might have been ready to marry unanimously.


世界最軽量の素材(World's lightest material)

素 材を開発したHRLラボラトリーズはゼネラルモーターズとボーイングが出資する有限責任会社で、メタリックマイクロラティスは米国防総省の国防高等研究計 画局(DARPA)向けに開発したもの。将来的にはバッテリー電極や車体、航空機の機体、身体防護部材などの素材として活用できる可能性があるという。

U.S. private laboratories recently developed the world's lightest materials. It weighs 0.85 milligrams per cubic centimeter of 1. Science published in scientific journals published in November.

This material is currently "Micro-Lattice Metallic" has been called, is a hollow tube connected to the grid. 99.99% of the composition is in the air, rest is nickel alloy. Specific gravity is one-hundredth of insulation to be used for other purposes. In addition, a return to its original form it takes power.

HRL Laboratories has developed a limited liability company material is funded by General Motors and Boeing, Lattice Metallic Micro Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was developed for. In the future battery electrodes and body, body of the aircraft that could take advantage of member materials such as physical protection.

Aerogels have been the world's lightest ever and development (NASA) is the proportion of 3 milligrams per cubic centimeter 1, HRL Laboratories is a pending record in the Guinness Book of World Records as the present. Material is recorded as the world's lightest Once it. And hopefully will be expanded from being applicable to the aircraft fuselage has a lighter 願Wa.

「総合型試験」の導入("Comprehensive Test" introduced)

推薦入試やAO入試の増加で大学生の学力低下が指摘される中、大学入試センターは新しい大学入学試験の導入に向けた研究を始めた。 読解力や推論力・分析力を問う「総合型試験」の導入の可否を、4年後までをめどに検討する。この総合型試験の成績とともに、作文や面接といった推薦・AO 入試の結果を合わせて大学側が合否を判定できるようにし、大学生の学力アップを目指す。
 文部科学省がまとめた09年度の国公私立大の入試状況によると、大学学部の入学者数は59万7000人。このうち推薦入試やAO入試で入学した学 生は約26万1000人で4割以上、私立大に限れば5割に達する。大半は筆記試験を実施せず、面接や作文で合否を決める。こうしたことから学力の不足が指摘され、大学によっては入学前に学力を補うための事前教育を実施しているところもある。

Decline in academic standards that have been identified in the college entrance examination and recommendation by an increase in admissions AO, National Center for University Entrance Examinations began to study for the introduction of the new college entrance exam. Question the power of comprehension and reasoning power analysis, "Comprehensive Test" the possibility of introduction, it plans to consider until after 4 years. Comprehensive test results with this acceptance to be able to determine the combined results of the university entrance exam and interview and recommendation AO essay, academic achievement of college students aims to up.

According to the large public and private status of FY09 admissions compiled by the Ministry of Education, undergraduate enrollment of 17,000 is 59. AO Admissions Admissions and Student enrolled in more than 40% of these recommendations in 1000 about 260,000, reached rather 5 As far as private universities. Most do not conduct written test and interview to determine the acceptance in writing. Been pointed out that lack of achievement from this, the university is also where you are training to compensate for prior academic achievement prior to admission.

Without such a troublesome thing, and believes that students go to college, I think I'd better be at the exam center of everyone anyway. Then squeeze the number of university and I feel like I can have more stringent entrance. I feel concerned about the situation has been gradually weakened the significance of the university.

高等教育の費用を実質無料化する行政が現れないかな~(- A free or do not appear to be substantial administrative costs of higher education)


Hayakawa town, Yamanashi prefecture, the ratio of the elementary school lunch in the town or trips, materials and pay all other expenses, decided to do the real cost of free compulsory education.
Towards the implementation of the fiscal year 2012, to submit the ordinance amendments related to the regular town council in March 2012. Ministry of Education, "local governments have become free school lunch, but an example of how free trips, including never heard" that you are.
According to the city board of education, the town has two elementary schools, one junior high school there, next year will total 58 people attended. Purchase of stationery and gym clothes are borne by parents, family education is reduced to about 80,000 yen per students. Cost burden of the city is expected to about 500 million yen.
Town for parenting support, and aid has been half of the elementary school lunch in the past. And further reduce the burden on parents, town councilor and education committee in June, 11 people set up a study group made ​​of representatives from the PTA. The 11 "Educational expenses should be paid all the town" and received the submission of the report, decide whether the real free. Fukasawa, superintendent of schools is "to grow in areas with local children, We hope to falling birthrate," he said.

Higher education beyond compulsory education (University High School) It is hoped that government appears to be whether the burden of education free of charge. In essence, I have the heavy burden on families Noshikakatsu take education to higher education.

「カンゾウ」の医薬成分を作り出す遺伝子("Liver" gene produces pharmaceutical ingredients New! 上記の単語をクリックすると、その他の翻訳が表示されます。 表示しない)

  研究チームは、カンゾウの医薬成分「グリチルレチン酸」の生合成に、2つの遺伝子が関わっていることを突き止めた。その遺伝子をカンゾウと同じマメ科の植 物「ミヤコグサ」から抽出した酵母に組み込んだところ、「グリチルレチン酸」の生産に成功したという。今後、医薬成分の生産性向上をはかるとともに、大豆など他の植物で応用できないか調べる。

Many rare species of plants used in traditional Chinese medicine, such as "liver", such as Osaka University research team to identify the gene to produce pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical ingredients to produce successful. April 29 U.S. scientific journal "Plant Cell" (electronic version) will be published.

Pharmaceutical ingredient of licorice has anti-inflammatory effect of such a reinforcement, and liver function, as well as pharmaceuticals, that is about 70% of herbal formulations are prescribed in Japan for 210 species. On the other hand, there is a problem because they rely on a stable supply of wild species native to China and the Middle East, etc..

The researchers, pharmaceutical ingredient of licorice, "glycyrrhetinic acid" in the biosynthesis of, found that two genes are involved. Liver and legumes as their genes, "Lotus" I incorporated into extracted from yeast, "glycyrrhetinic acid" on a successful production. Future aims to improve the productivity of pharmaceutical ingredients, you can not find application in other plants such as soybeans.

Village of Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Professor of the research team "can be expected, and apply to industrial production," that you are. To wear out a steady supply of pharmaceutical ingredients by utilizing gene licorice, I want to further researching.


新感覚の英語学習サイト(A new sense of English learning site)

日本語ボイスの例:「私は 欲しい 話すことが 英語を。(I want to speak English.)」。

Edu sites Ltd. chime learn a new sense of order "in English. Com" November 25, 2011 (Friday) was opened.
"Most English. Com" instead of learning English in English, Japanese, English word order changes in sequence (by English) to learn English in a sense, seeking to learn English, learn English sense of the new site.
Japanese grammar and English characters are different, and difficult to 話Sezu English.
Where the "English first. Com" is not ever learning, cultivating a sense of the word order of English in Japanese native language first, and then replace the English words, to speak English. Develop a new sense of English learning site was divided into two stages called unprecedented.
Lessons are comprised of two types of grammar and conversation situations, Japanese audio and English word order changes to the list, look at the illustrations and subtitles to learn to be displayed accordingly.
Examples of Japanese voice: "I want to speak English. (I want to speak English.)".
The Japanese have an odd, because they hired a voice actor, without discomfort, fun "English Order" can be learned.
The "English order. Com" is "nested system" that, by incorporating a mechanism that can be understood intuitively by looking at the mechanics of English, the site is finished you can learn English without further stress.
"Most English. Com" is a free registration, free membership allows you to learn English first Japanese language lessons for all voices. It is also a fee and can be learned English by native speakers voice.

Experience will be your site ~ ~ V saw a peek. http://www.eigojun.com/

夫婦の絆(Bond of marriage)

京都大理学研究科の高橋研究員(魚類学)は、群れで生活する魚の中に厳密な夫婦関係を保っている種があることを世界で初めて確認した。「ペアボ ンド」(夫婦の絆)を維持する魚は通常、2匹だけで縄張りをつくる。群れでのペアボンドは確認が困難で、研究例はなかった。英国王立協会の専門誌「バイオ ロジーレターズ」に23日掲載された。  研究グループはアフリカ中部のタンガニーカ湖のカワスズメ科の熱帯魚(体長約5センチ)に注目。数千匹の群れをつくるが、 メスが卵や稚魚を口の中で育て、体長9ミリ程度になると一部をオスの口内に移す習性がある。そこで、23匹の成魚(オス14、メス9)と口内の子供72匹 のDNA型を鑑定したところ、成魚の口の中の稚魚はいずれもその成魚の子で、両親も同じであることが分かった。この世界は、ペアシステムになっていることを魚の世界でも示すことになりましたね。そのペアシステムの頂点に立っている人間の男女の愛が今、大きく狂ってしまっているのかもしれませんね。愛には、父母の愛・夫婦の愛・子女の愛(兄弟姉妹の愛)等があります。夫婦の愛以外は、他の人を自分の子どものように、兄弟のように。父母のように、祖父母のように愛しても問題は起きません。逆に、素晴らしい日とだと賞賛を受けるでしょう。しかし、夫婦の愛は、たった一人の男女間で許される関係です。そして性関係を伴い、そこから子ども、そして血統までが生じます。魚でさえ、一人の相手と関係を持って子をつくって生活しています。そんな愛を絆を学ばなければなりませんね。

Takahashi of Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Fellow (ichthyology) is the world's first confirmed that the species has remained a strong marital relationship in the fish that live in herds. "Peabondo" (marital bond) to keep the fish are usually only two animals to make turf. Peabondo is difficult to confirm in the herd, there were no examples of research. UK Royal Society journal "Biology Letters" was published on May 23. The study group cichlid fish of Lake Tanganyika in central Africa (approximately 5 cm in length) attention. Make a flock of several thousand animals, a mouth grown in eggs and fry females, males have a habit of moving parts in the mouth and to be around 9 mm in length. Thus, 23 control animals (14 males, 9 females) were appraised the type of animal DNA in the mouth and 72 children, adult fish fry at the mouth of the adult children of both parents have the same OK. This world, I became a fish to show the world that paired system. I love men and women standing on top of a pair of human system, that I might be crazy big closed. The love, the love of parents love their children the love of husband and wife (the love of brothers and sisters), etc.. Non-marital love, like others of his children, like brothers. As parents, as grandparents love problem occurs. On the contrary, they will receive praise and a great day. But the couple's love is a relationship between men and women are allowed only one person. With sexual relations and children from there to breed and causes. Even the fish, making the children are living with a partner relationship with one person. I must learn to love such bonds.

若々しさの秘訣(The secret of youthfulness)

アインシュタイン博士は1955年に76歳で亡くなった後、その脳の大部分は、解剖が行われた米東部の医療施設で保存され、一部は他の研究者の手に渡って知性の源泉を探る研究などに使われてきた。博物館に寄贈した研究者によれば、脳は、旧知の病理学者から贈られたといい、米国の医学の歴史にとって 重要な標本と考え、寄贈を決意したという。研究者は「加齢に伴う色素の沈着などが見られず、年齢よりも脳は若々しく見える」と話している。知性の源泉や若々しさの根源を、解き明かして欲しいですね。そして、我々の生活に応用展開する術を示して欲しいですね。

Dr. Albert Einstein's brain has created a foundation of modern physics and relativity theory have been published in the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia USA.

The museum's permanent exhibition is rare that buzz. According to U.S. media and the museum, the exhibition is, in very thin sections of each specimen 46 was owned for the study were donated by neuropathologist who belong to a local hospital.

Dr. Einstein died at age 76 after 1955, most of the brain that are saved in health care facilities in the eastern U.S. autopsy was done, some of the sources of intelligence into the hands of other researchers has been used to explore and research. According to the researchers who donated to the museum, the brain, and I was a gift from classical pathologist, specimens considered important for the history of medicine in the United States, decided to donate it. The researchers "found no such age-related pigment deposition in the brain rather than age seems youthful," he said. The root of the source of intelligence and youthful, I want youi. And I want to show the way to deploy applications in our lives.


がんだけを明るく光らせる技術(Technology only shine brighter cancer)

患部にスプレーをかけて、がんだけを明るく光らせる技術を、東京大と米国立衛生研究所のチームが開発し、23日の米医学誌「サイエンス・トランスレーショ ナル・メディシン」に発表した。マウスの実験で確認した。手術や検査の際、がんの見落としを防ぐ方法として、臨床応用を目指す。
 チームは、がん細胞で特に働きが強まる酵素を見つけ、その酵素と結びつくと緑色に光る試薬を開発した。がんを移植したマウスの腹部を開け、試薬をスプ レーしたところ、数十秒~数分後にがんの部分だけが肉眼でも確認できるほど強く光り出した。開腹せず内視鏡を使ってスプレーした場合も同じ結果が得られた。この酵素は肺がんや肝臓がん、一部の乳がん、大腸がんなどで強く働く。正常細胞にもこの酵素は存在するが、がん細胞の方が20倍以上明るく光るため、 区別が可能。1ミリ以下のがんも光らせることができるという。

Spray over the affected area, to shine brightly as cancer technology, developed by a team of Tokyo University and the National Institutes of Health, American Journal of Medicine on April 23, "Science Translational Medicine" was published. Confirmed by experiments on mice. And inspection during surgery, as a way to prevent cancer oversight aims to clinical application.
The team is working to find a stronger enzyme specifically in cancer cells have developed a reagent that glow green when combined with the enzyme. Open the abdomen of the mice implanted with cancer, was sprayed with the reagent, the light out so strong with the naked eye can see only part of the cancer even after tens of seconds to minutes. The same results were obtained when sprayed with the endoscope without laparotomy. This enzyme and liver cancers lung, breast, some strong work, such as colon cancer. This enzyme is also present in normal cells, shining brightly for more than 20 times more cancer cells can be distinguished. That it can also illuminate the cancer less than one millimeter.
Professor of the Tokyo team Urano (chemical biology) said, "is a very small amount, about 1 mg in the case of humans, is less concerned about side effects. You can check for any oversights in the surgical removal of cancer  to determine the transition, "he said. When taken before the test, "Cancer" It might be difficult and would be better to publish only part. If we also early detection of cancer, I might be afraid of going sick. Medical development is incredible.


富士山をテーマとする俳句募集(Haiku on the theme of Mt Wanted)

山 梨県は22日、富士山の世界文化遺産登録を進める一環で、富士山をテーマとする俳句の募集を同日から国内外で始めたと発表した。日本語部門と英語、フラン ス語の国際部門の2部門を設けた。県が世界文化遺産登録に向けた啓発事業として、制定を目指す来年2月23日の「富士山の日」に大賞を発表する。
 県は記念日である「富士山の日」制定に向けた関連事業費として、970万円を見積もっている。世界文化遺産の早期実現をアピールするパンフ レットを作製したり、静岡県と連携したりするのが目的。「富士山俳句」は記念日制定の一助とするもので、「霊峰のファンを国内外に増やしたい」としている。

Yamanashi Prefecture, 22, as part of World Cultural Heritage Mt advance, starting at home and abroad has announced a call for haiku from yesterday with the theme of Mt. Japanese and English departments, two departments provided the international division of French. Enlightenment as a project for World Cultural Heritage Province, on 23 February 2005 aims to establish "Day of Mount Fuji" to announce the grand prize.

Be located and organized by the seven municipalities and the province around Mount Fuji, looking at their homepages. From abroad International Haiku Association (Shinjuku, Tokyo) to raise and work through the diplomatic missions. Deadline is January 20. In addition to Grand Prize, honorable mention, there is a prize.

Day County is the "Day of Mount Fuji," as business expenses for the establishment, estimates that 9.7 million yen. You can create a brochure to promote the early realization of world cultural heritage, and to cooperate with the purpose of Shizuoka Prefecture. "Haiku Fuji" is intended to help establish and anniversaries, "sacred to increase domestic and international fans," that you are.

For more information, please check http://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/release/koucho/2311/sekaiisan-sn22.html. ~ ~ V and submitted by people who would love you see Mount Fuji world.

カニ殻からガラスに代わる素材(From crab shell material to replace glass)


From crab and shrimp shells to make a transparent thin film-like material that can be freely folded or rounded or succeeded by Professor Yano RISH, Kyoto University.

In display technology to achieve ultra-thin surface material, and material published in the British magazine nearby.

Shells of crustaceans such as crabs are gathered as the chitin polymer fiber lumps, so that protein and calcium carbonate hard it is sturdy, it features strong.

Professor Yano, from snow crab shells, and proteins removed by chemical treatment, only the chitin processing. Thereafter, a transparent resin and the dissemination of the protein missing gaps, it was clear shell like glasswork.

From this shell powder, transparent film prepared from 100 to 200 micrometers thick. Tender plants like paper, resistant to heat, it remains clear until about 200 degrees.

Professor Yano "was simply to replace the glass material. Rent a mechanism made ​​hundreds of millions of creatures over the years, 示Seta can be applied to the development of new materials," he said. In nature, I still would not have hidden the beneficial technology for humanity. Discovered it, I might be a scientific mission to commercialize it.


ニュートリノ「超光速」を否定(Neutrino "superluminal" not)

 ところが、別の国際研究チームICARUS(イカルス)に参加するグループが、OPERAと同じスイス・ジュネーブ郊外の欧州合同原子核研究機関 (CERN)から発射されたビームを観測したところ、そうした形跡は見つからなかった。論文は「私たちが得た結果は、OPERAの結果の反証となる」としている。考えも及ばない微小な時間の測定なのでしょうから、どうにでも判断できる状況なのかもしれませんね。多くの研究施設で追随実験を行って確認する意外ないのかもしれませんね。

"Faster than light neutrinos observed," an international research team announced OPERA (Opera), another group of Italian Gran Sasso National Laboratory to participate in the "rapid fire" that specializes in a paper submitted to the site to deny.

According to the paper, Dr. Glashow is the U.S. particle physicists won the Nobel Prize, was announced after the results of the OPERA, superluminal neutrinos shows that theoretically lose energy by emitting light, such as other.

However, other international research team ICARUS (Icarus) group to participate in the Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland the same joint on the outskirts of the European OPERA (CERN) was observed beam emitted from such evidence was found. The paper "The results we got, and disprove the results of the OPERA" has said. From a measurement of the time it's inconceivable minute, maybe I can judge it on what situation. It might be surprising to see no follow experiments in many laboratories.

いい夫婦の日(A good couple days)

日本愛妻家協会(総本部・群馬県嬬恋村)は「いい夫婦の日」の22日、普段は照れくさくて「ありがとう」を伝えられない夫に感謝状を贈る「いい夫婦 の日 感謝状大作戦」を展開。各家庭で同日午後8時に合わせ、感謝状を一斉贈呈するよう呼び掛けており、同協会は100万人の妻の参加を目標にしてい る。
 同協会はホームページ(HP)に感謝状の文面を用意し、ダウンロードできるようにしている。またHPでは「普段やり慣れていないことをすると、夫 とペットの名前を呼び間違えるなど思わぬミスをするかもしれない」として、22日当日の過ごし方についてアドバイスもしている。

Devoted husband Association of Japan (Gunma Tsumagoi village headquarters) is "a good couple days," March 22, are usually shy "thank you" can not send a letter of thanks to her husband told the "Battle of the good couple days of gratitude" expand the. Together at home at 8:00 each afternoon, and at once invited to a presentation of Appreciation, the association has the goal of joining the wife of one million.

Shouting words of love to his wife her husband Tsumagoi village cabbage patch, "I shout to my wife at the center of cabbage (Kyabechu)" has been organized by the association, which was planned for the first time this year. "If you praise her husband Negirae, the world, they should be happier," and proposed as a concrete way to express gratitude, and presented a letter of appreciation to encourage.

The association website (HP) to provide the text of a letter of thanks has been available for download. HP is "and you are not comfortable doing that everyday, unexpected errors such as mistakes may call her husband and pet names as" advice on how to spend that 22 days of per diem.
How many people actually participate, but unknown, Kosuge, chief investigator of the Association "to receive the appreciation of his wife, 22, also hope your husband comes home early," he said. Today, at 9:00 pm has become, I ran what people actually do? Late yet, I saw ~ ~ V and run at your home. For more information, please check http://www.aisaika.org/. Please check the foreign people in English.

副作用ほとんどない抗がん薬(Anticancer drug with little side effects)

 研究グループの杉原准教授によると、悪性腫瘍(がん)は1~2ミリ以上になると、栄養を取り込むため「新生血管」を生じさせる性質がある。グ ループは、アミノ酸がつながってできる「ペプチド」の一種が、新生血管に集まりやすい特性を発見。新生血管だけに薬が運ばれるよう、ペプチドと組み合わせた抗がん剤を開発した。

浜松医科大 Hamamatsu April 22, anti-cancer drugs developed to reduce side effects, the effect was announced in animals. Future, into clinical trials aimed at making it work.

According to Associate Professor research group Sugihara, malignancy (cancer) has become more than 1-2 mm, to incorporate nutrition "angiogenesis" in nature cause. Group can be linked to an amino acid "peptide" is a kind of easy to discover the characteristics gathered in the blood vessels. Is carried only as angiogenesis drugs, we developed a peptide in combination with anticancer agents.

The university, conducted in collaboration with the Burnham Institute for Medical Research Sanford American, was administered to mice with cancer cells to anticancer drugs, in the amount of conventional one-40, on day 19 nearly eliminated the cancer cells, side effects that were observed at all. Outcomes, U.S. National Academy of Sciences online edition is published. The anti-cancer drug for cancer patients that side effects become a problem I have good news. Sounds can be expected to effect a variety of cancer sites. I want fast and practical.


丸の内タニタ食堂(Tanita Marunouchi restaurant)


Health measurement equipment manufacturer Tanita, Tokyo, June 21 at Marunouchi Tokyo in January next year. "Tanita Marunouchi restaurant" opening, which was announced to enter the restaurant business. "Healthy and Delicious" call and reputation, and offer its canteen meals in recipe books became a bestseller.

Therefore decided to commercialize many requests were received and actually want to eat outside.

Handle the food service business, Kichiri Osaka and alliances. Also consider opening stores and franchises around the country to large cities such as.

The menu changes weekly meals daily lunch special and proprietary, similar to the canteen. Prices start at 800 yen and 900 yen respectively.

From looking at this recipe to make "delicious" healthy meals and reputation, I'd like to try the real taste. I hope to be able to eat and even in many cities.

晩秋から初冬へ(From late fall to early winter)


Although now a cold sunny day in reversal from the vessel reminiscent of early fall yesterday. Morning, went to a nearby park in the shade and the dog was left to walk the frost. And then I saw the snow on the summit Yatsugatake You can clearly see the snow on the Asama. From late fall to early winter season certainly seems to change slowly and are doing. To the change, and must state quite arrived. It seems that snow is said to be three times . If you shake a mountain village. Marrow are close to the front of the second season of snow.



Yesterday (20 days) after the rain up now as the early autumn weather. Was too hot so as to warm. I went for a walk with your dog are invited to such warmth. I went in as the sweat was married a sweater.

I had a lot of dragonflies flying in such gay invited. Gathered in the sunny spot, the body is bathed in the warmth of early fall fleeting. But that is frost season, What I had failed to anywhere. Dragonflies would not exceed the winter, I think many will feel the figure is flying through the power of the last summon up.

What's the weather out of season from such, even by the sight that met two rainbows appeared. It showed us various things.