
共通テスト(Standardized test)

 対象は全国の大学。大学として参加するかどうか、何人の学生を受験させるかなどは、各大学の判断に任せる。文科省は、伸びが著しい大学の取り組みを公表 するよう促すなど、成果重視の仕組みを作る。文科相の諮問機関である中央教育審議会の大学教育部会で具体的な検討を進める。

Japanese college students do not study. Tries to give up such a stigma, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and went into the study for students to develop active, "Testing" common. If the exam twice before graduation and after enrollment, growth in student learning outcomes is to be recognized as an objective viewpoint. Hopes to help improve the curriculum to analyze the results.

Positioned as a "capacity measurement" of the university, once a year, assuming that the question reading comprehension, logical thinking, thinking, writing and critical power of expression. Survey of Attitudes and also impose that the principals involved in how much university lectures. Expect if they get the same student twice, you can "visualize" the degree of growth.

University of the national target. Whether or not to participate as a university, such as whether to take the students what is left to the discretion of each university. Ministry of Education, such as the urge to publicly announce the effort at the University of remarkable growth, create a system of results-oriented. Promote the study of concrete at the University of Central Council for Education, education is an advisory body to the minister.

It may also result, such as supporting the "do not study" that would be. I will also care reform is more important to review the way from companies such as the relationship between universities and graduate schools and standardized test than those clouds, as students tackle more calmly to study and research.

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