
教員の能力評価結果開示(Disclose results of the evaluation capacity of teachers)


New York City, U.S. 24, along with the real name disclosed the results of evaluation capacity of a total of about 18,000 teachers to respond to a request disclosure of information of media outlets, responsible for English and mathematics in public schools. The New York Times "Citizens have the right to know how to review and that the faculty authorities," said the published data on the Web.
May also affect other cities in the United States land subsidence of public education is serious, and is attracting attention as a part of the rebuilding education policy by Mayor Bloomberg. "It is more effective than public training" which also concerns or objections to the accuracy of the data however.

The remaining question is the credibility of the data because it is ambiguous what has been assessed in any standard, I do not it may be the need to also be exposed properly evaluated. I would also say in Japan, and come out prefecture and municipalities have the courage to publish.

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