
握力が強いほど長生きする傾向がある?!(Tend to live longer as a strong grip? !)

握力が強いほど長生きする傾向があることが、厚生労働省研究班(研究代表者=熊谷九州大教授)の約20年間にわたる追跡調査で明らかになった。 死亡リスクだけでなく、心臓病や脳卒中といった循環器病の発症リスクも下がっていた。健康状態を表す指標として、握力が使える可能性があるという。 調べたのは、福岡県久山町在住の2527人(男性1064人、女性1463人)。男女別に握力が弱い順から人数が均等になるように各4組に分け、年齢や飲酒状況などを補正し、死亡原因との関係を調べた。握力の最も弱い組(男性35キロ・グラム未満、女性19キロ・グラム未満)を基準に各組を比べたところ、男女とも握力が強いほど死亡リスクが下がる傾向があった。最も握力の強い組(男性47キロ・グラム以上、女性28キロ・グラム以上)の死亡リスクは、最も弱い組より約4割も低かった。握力の強さと長生きとの間に因果関係がありそうですが、なぜ、握力が強いと長生きになるのかを、さらに深く調べてほしいですね。そして。握力を強くする運動をすれば長生きになるんでしょうかね。更なる研究に期待したいですね。

That there is a tendency to live longer as a strong grip, was revealed in about 20 years of follow-up study (Kumagai Professor Kyushu University = research representative) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Research Group. Have also dropped the risk of developing cardiovascular disease as well as mortality risk, such as heart disease and stroke. As an indicator of health status, there is a possibility that can use the grip. Was examined, 2,527 people living in Hisayama town, Fukuoka Prefecture (1,064 people men and 1,463 women). Each divided into four sets so that an equal number from the order is weak grip strength by gender, age and drinking to compensate for such situations, we investigated the relationship of cause of death. Each pair was compared to a reference set of the weakest grip strength (less than 35 kilo-gram male, female less than 19 kilograms), and tended to lower the risk of death for both men and women as a strong grip. Most strong grip set (more than 47 kilo-gram male, women more than 28 kilograms) of the mortality risk was lower than about 40% of the weakest pair. I want look deeper, what will likely to live longer is a causal relationship between the strength and longevity of grip strength, the stronger the grip, why. And. I will not become live longer or if the exercise to strengthen the grip strength. I want to look forward to further research.

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