
東京スカイツリー完成(Completed Tokyo Sky Tree)

東京スカイツリー(高さ634メートル、東京都墨田区)が29日、完成した。建設を請け負った大林組から、運営会社の東武タワースカイツリーへの引き渡し が同日午後に完了。中国の広州タワー(高さ600メートル)を抜き、世界一高い自立式電波塔で、3月2日に竣工式が開かれる。

(634 meters high, Sumida-ku, Tokyo) Tokyo Sky Tree is 29, was completed. Obayashi was contracted from the construction, completion in the afternoon the same day delivery to the Tobu Tower Sky Tree Company. Unplug the Guangzhou of China Tower (600 meters high), the world's tallest free-standing tower, the ceremony will be held on March 2.
Sky Tree began in July 2008. March 10 to more than 333 meters (Minato), reaching the height of the current 11 to March 18, Tokyo Tower. Future advances the interior construction and staff training, practice on May 22 along with the surrounding commercial facilities.
From opening until July 10, individual tickets to the "deck outlook" of 350 meters above the ground is by appointment only. I feel it is finally completed. All means, enjoy the view I want to climb.

花が青いコチョウラン(Phalaenopsis flowers are blue)

 研究段階のため生殖能力はないが、細胞培養で個体を増やせる。三位教授は「今回の技術を別の花にも生かして青い品種を生み出せるのではないか」と期待を寄せている。白やピンクが普通ですから青は珍しいですね。 商品化されるようになるといいですね。また、他の花にも応用出きるようになることを期待します。

29 Chiba University, has announced that Prof. third place of Plant Cell Engineering Research Group, Graduate School of Horticulture Graduate School, and has produced varieties of Phalaenopsis flowers are blue for the first time in the world.
According to Prof. third place, we succeeded in the cells of phalaenopsis there is no gene that makes blue dye, incorporation of dayflower blue genes using special bacteria. Phalaenopsis have been genetically modified and is difficult, blossoming on February 15, suffering from four years.
Although there is no reproductive capacity for the research phase, increase the population in cell culture. Professor hopes for third place is "Do not it Umidaseru blue varieties also taking advantage of another flower of this technology." It is unusual because blue is usually white or pink. I hope come to be commercialized. In addition, in the hope that it will be cut out as applied to other flowers.

ぜひとも見て、触れていただきたものがあります(By all means look, there are things we touch)

米アップルは28日、米カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコで3月7日に開く発表会の招待メールを報道機関に送付した。タブレット型多機能携帯端末「iPad(アイパッド)」の新機種を発表するとみられる。 招待状にはiPadのカレンダーで3月7日を示す画像に、「ぜひとも見て、触れていただきたものがあります」という一文が添えられていた。
 発表されるのが「iPad3」なのかどうか、アップルにコメントを求めたが返答はなかった。もしiPadの新機種だとすれば、約1年前に発表された iPad2に続く第3世代となる。どのような機能が搭載されるかは不明だが、うわさによれば、バッテリーが強化されてこれまでの機種よりも厚みが増し、ス マートフォン(多機能携帯電話)の「iPhone(アイフォーン)4S」と同じ高精細画面が搭載されるとの情報もある。
  また、中央演算処 理装置(CPU)の高速化や、音声アシスタント「Siri」の搭載、携帯電話の4Gネットワーク対応などもうわさされている。値段はiPad2より60ド ルほど値上げされるとの情報もある。  
iPad2の米国での販売価格は無線LANのみに対応したモデルが499ドルから、3G対応モデルは629ドルから。 新機種の発売に伴い、iPad2が値下げされる可能性もある。 iPadはタブレット端末市場で競合各社を大きく引き離し、2011年12月までの3カ月の販売台数は1540万台と過去最高を記録、アップルの業績を押し上げた。 同社の株価は発表を前に最高値を更新。時価総額は5000億ドル(約40兆円)に迫っている。どんな発表がなされるか今から注目ですね。3月7日が待ち遠しいですね。

Apple U.S. 28, were sent to news organizations announced the invitation of the meeting open on March 7 in San Francisco, California. Seen to announce a new model "(eye pads) iPad" tablet-type multi-function mobile terminal. The invitation sentence to show the image in the calendar of March 7, iPad, "by all means look, there are things we touch" that had been served.
Did not respond to whether a "iPad3" It is to be announced, but a request for comment to Apple. Assuming that if a new model of iPad, and the third generation following the iPad2 was announced about a year ago. Or be equipped with features such as what is unknown, but according to rumor, the thickness is greater than the models so far has been enhanced battery, smart phone "iPhone (iPhone) 4S" of the (mobile phone multi-function) and There is also information to be mounted with the same high-definition screen.
In addition, rumors have been faster and the central processing unit (CPU), with the assistant "Siri" voice, as well as 4G network-enabled mobile phone. There is also information and prices are about $ 60 more will rise iPad2.
The selling price in the United States of iPad2 from $ 499 model that corresponds to the only wireless LAN, 3G-enabled models from $ 629. With the launch of new models, there is a possibility that price cut is iPad2. iPad is a wide margin in the terminal market tablet competitors, the sales volume of three months to December 2011, a record high of 15.4 million units, boosting the performance of the Apple. The company's stock price before the announcement highs. Market capitalization is approaching (about 40 trillion yen) $ 500 billion. It is now or attention from any announcement is made. Can not wait is March 7.

努力していることを褒める(Compliment the efforts that you have)

 ただし、「あなたは天才ね!」とか「頭が良いわね~」という褒め方は、努力すること(やる気)を褒めているのではなく、能力自体を褒めていることになるので、やりすぎると努力しなくなる(やる気を失う)ことがわかっていますから注意してください。「褒める」というのは、学問的には「報酬」です。好きな食べ物やモノを与えるというご褒美も悪くありませんが、やはり、言葉を使って褒めることが基本です。 さらに、言葉だけより、抱きしめたり、頭をなでたりというスキンシップは強い信頼感を生み、より効果的であることがわかっています。ただし親を含め、信頼していない人から褒められても、子供のやる気を起こさせることはできないという事実を付け加えておきましょう。子育てには、親子の間に信頼関係が築かれていることが大前提であることはいうまでもありません。

To humans, that there are two major essence of "social power" and "future-oriented ability to take action." And "future-oriented action force" is the ability to work properly with a purpose, and "social power" is ability to live well in society while wearing a variety of norms.
Children, in order to live toward the future, have a purpose, to achieve its purpose by lot to learn not only instinct. For example, the purpose of the boy of long ago is "good will hunting" was. For example, "to parenting and marriage" If it were a girl.
To acquire the ability to achieve a goal, the effort without having to learn a lot of wisdom and knowledge will not be heard. For the effort, "motivation", you will need the "motivation", ie. And, it is meaningful action to cause the "motivation" for this, called "praise" is very important.
First, If you praise a child with a purpose. After compliments efforts toward the next objective. And may be repeated every time Yuku approaching the purpose of "praise" will be the basis of "How to praise." "So that effort" is the driving force of future-oriented ability to take action, but praise the effort that is important.
That way, even without a compliment soon, will now own efforts toward the goal. If you have praised how to correct the child's parent in early childhood, "to endeavor" was a habit, for example, even upon examination, to grow their own children to study from.
However, "you are! I genius" who praise it "- sounds good head" or, rather than have praised (motivation) to strive, so that the praise itself capacity, too much Please note that because you know (feel a loss of motivation) can no longer make an effort. It called "praise" is "compensation" is academic. Although not reward bad things that give your favorite food and, again, praise the use of the word is basic. In addition, physical contact to be effective than words alone, or hug, that more or rub the head, produces a strong sense of trust has been found. Let's add the fact that even compliments from people, including the parent, you do not trust, motivating the children that you can not, however. To parenting, that the trust relationship has been built between the parent and child is a major premise, not to mention.
I think that praise for the result, but will have to practice many parents, the process and praise his effort and that is it less or not. I would not be important underlying affection, praise.

細胞シートで心臓機能回復(Cardiac function in the cell sheet recovery)


And stick to the patient's heart such as myocardial infarction, for practical use of "cell sheet" is the special effect of recovering the function, the leading medical equipment manufacturer in Japan the world's first clinical trials begin.
Has attracted attention and become a step toward the realization of regenerative medicine to revive the body's tissues.
"Cell sheet" this is to culture the cells from which the muscle was taken from the patient's own thigh, and in a thin film of about 5 cm diameter circular.
Stick around and caused the patient's heart such as myocardial infarction, has the effect to restore the function of the heart muscle more than 20 kinds of material out from the sheet, at Osaka University Hospital 13 patients so far a result of receiving this treatment of the research phase, has also been reported cases had recovered to return to everyday life the patient was bedridden.
This time, apply to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency "Terumo" of major medical equipment manufacturer, last month, conduct an examination, which was observed in 28 days, subject to safety, such as hundreds of patients at Osaka University Hospital verify the validity and aim to commercialize five years later.
Clinical trials to restore the heart's function in the cell sheet is the first time in the world, Professor Sawa Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University have developed a sheet, "Even in people over the age of 60, if they remain resilient to the heart, symptoms is talking about the desired person. be improved, "I want to be able to receive anyone. You will also want you to feel more early commercialization.


都内の大学を訪れるバスツアー(Bus tour to visit the University of Tokyo)

 第1弾である「合格応援 大学キャンパスツアー」は3月29日、お茶の水女子大学、日本女子大学、学習院女子大学を訪れる。1校あたりの滞在時間は約2時間。東京駅または新宿駅に集合し、午後5時半に終了する。対象は全学年の高校生。参加費は1人4000円で、インターネットで申し込みを受け付ける。今後、他の大学を訪れるツアーも企画する予定だ。地方の生徒さんにとってはありがたい企画かもしれませんね。関心のある方は、http://www.kokusaikogyo.co.jp/travel/campustour/をご覧あれ!

(Center, Tokyo) will hold a bus tour to visit the University of Tokyo for high school students to refrain from the international box office take to navigate the bus routes in Tokyo and Saitama. Other university personnel to explain the characteristics of the school to the participants, to guide campus. Determines that there is also "open campus" hosted by the university, held for the Sun vary from school to school, and there is a need for local high school students.
"College campus tour cheer pass" The first one is March 29, visit Ochanomizu University, Japan Women's University, the Gakushuin Women's College. A residence time of about 2 hours per school. Gathered in Tokyo Station or Shinjuku Station, and ends at 5:30 pm. Target high school students in all grades. The participation fee is 4,000 yen a person, accept the application on the Internet. Future plans to planning a tour to visit the other universities. For local students might actually be grateful planning. If you are interested, visit any http://www.kokusaikogyo.co.jp/travel/campustour/!

ダチョウの卵の抗体を使ったマスク(Mask using the antibody of the eggs of ostrich)


28, it was found that the team was successful in retrieving Kyotofuritsudai antibodies suppress the allergy by pollen of Japanese cedar and cypress from ostrich egg. In collaboration with the company to develop and air conditioning filter masks and using the antibody, also begin selling in March.

The team, paying attention to ostrich in early spring or swollen eyelids, or even watery eyes. If you examine the blood of the wing 40, it was found that antibody levels of 27 feathers cedar and cypress is "hay fever" high.
Extract the antibodies from the eggs of ostrich of this hay fever. When applied to human skin along with the allergen to cause hay fever, allergic symptoms that they were suppressed. But also in what I called ostrich Why, I do not it may be the place to focus on the ostrich is amazing.

江西大墓の壁画(Large mural tomb of Jiangxi)

東京芸術大(東京都台東区)は27日、北朝鮮の世界遺産高句麗古墳群の一つ、江西大墓(こうせいたいぼ)(6世紀末~7世紀初め)の壁画を、独自の デジタル技術を使い世界で初めて原寸大で「復元」したと発表、公開した。この壁画は、高松塚古墳(奈良県明日香村)の壁画の源流とされ、同大学の特許技術で複製を制作した。

Tokyogeijutsudai (Taito-ku, Tokyo) 27, is one of Koguryo Tombs World Heritage Sites in North Korea, (pot you want to configure) your own digital technology, a mural of the (early 7th century between the end of sixth century) large Jiangxi tomb announced today that it has "restored" in the world's first full-scale use, open to the public. This mural is the origin of mural (in Asuka Village, Nara Prefecture) Takamatsu Tumulus, was produced at the University of replication at the same patented technology.

In the panel you paste the photo was printed on paper, reproduce the stone chamber of 2.3 m 3 m length, 3.2 meters wide, height. That is reflected in the rich colors such as Blue Dragon and Xuanwu four God. By using digital image processing to clear the positive film was filmed in the 1980s, painted with pigment.

Stone chamber of replication from March 16, to be open to the public (Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture) Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum. Means, I'd like to take a look at the spot. Is it going to revive it with a modern and vibrant colors are reproduced as well as many other mural With the digital technology.


優秀なインド人留学生を獲得目指す(India won the excellent students who aim)

 式典後、記者会見した田中副学長は、東大では中国人留学生約1000人が学んでいるのに対しインド人留学生は35人だけだなどと明らかにした上で、「これを契機にインドからの学生を大幅に増やしたい」とアピールした。東大では、英語だけで授業を受けられるコースを拡充、学生食堂にもインドに多いベジタリアン(菜食主義者)やイスラム教徒向けのメニューを増やすなど受け入れ態勢を整えているという。 東大の海外事務所としては2005年に開設した北京に次いで2か所目となる。

University of Tokyo on March 27, was the opening ceremony of the India office in Bangalore.
Bangalore University in the heart of many high-tech industry in India, such as information technology (IT), Indian students who wish to gain excellent sources said.
After the ceremony, Vice President Tanaka, the press conference, at the University of Tokyo is on the Indian students made ​​it clear with just 35 people, such as, "India in taking this opportunity while people are learning about Chinese students in 1000 appeal was "I want to significantly increase the students from. At the University of Tokyo, expansion course can receive tuition in English only, that is poised for acceptance such as increasing the menu and Muslims (vegetarian) in India also many vegetarian canteen. Overseas offices of the University of Tokyo as the first two places would be second only to Beijing was established in 2005.

Acquisition of Indian students I would naturally flow from the future will be to India from China and the changing trade area. That the clouds over our students, I want it to improve the presence and play a role in the entire field of education in Japan.

世界にも例がない新しい大学づくり(Creating a new university there is no case to the world)


Challenge of building a new university in Okinawa to the world there is no case has begun. Okinawa University Graduate School of Science and Technology University was opened in November last year in the village of Onna central island. More than half of the students and faculty are foreigners, English the official language of the campus. No wall of departments and faculties. Aim a system that was also open to international interdisciplinary.Science and Technology University in Okinawa has 45 research units of ecology and neuroscience, and computational science, there are about 200 people in accordance with faculty and researchers. Two-thirds of people 47 foreign teachers. I was recruited physicist from Stanford University President Jonathan Dauphin himself.The main experimental apparatus is placed in a shared space rather than a separate laboratory, used by everyone. Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Sugiyama, specializing in "stimulating it can talk to people and nature of the area, such as" physical. Last summer, he set up his first move from the laboratory of RIKEN. It also features a flow mechanism of the United States get a room or equivalent research staff and also Professor Associate Professor young.Breakthrough "Rector was born in Dauphin is often the academic boundary region, the world's universities are struggling to break the wall of the department and laboratory. In Okinawa, there is no wall from the beginning, a new model of the world aimed at the University of emphasizes that "to be.Begin to accept 20 people each graduate every year from this fall. Determine the instructor learned from over three laboratory specializing in the first two years are different. Tojikomora not narrow area, researchers grow fluent English. It is also that many Japanese companies are looking to college.However, human resources are often hard to collect. Although the new bamboo Professor opened the meeting, such as described in the Kyoto University, "young people do not come to her new college is not many never proven."Science and Technology University, National University of Okinawa is not a corporation. Private university was based on a special law as part of Okinawa.Its existence is not widely known in the country, the world will notice.
There is still time transformation of the university itself has been demanded, I would like to hope that the new graduate university research departments and there is no wall of the chamber is here to stay, to contribute significantly to the development of Okinawa.

スニーカーのような履き心地の紳士靴(Gentleman of comfortable shoes like sneakers)


Incorporates the functionality of the running shoe with enhanced cushioning. Use a lightweight material with high resilience at the top of the shoe sole, heel portion of the cushioning material impact have put. Become comfortable like sneakers, you can walk comfortably, even for a long time.

Body is made of leather, rubber soles. Align the eight red-brown, beige, and black, was easy to fit into jeans or pants. As well as holiday, are expected to wear Cool Biz and Warm Biz at. The pre-sale at retail of Asics, and department stores in the market from mid-August.

If such as earthquakes, it may be cut out, etc. If you also take advantage of itself must be like to go back to home to walk to occur. It will also be released.



Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, saxifrage 26, of the "doctor", the work is done playing the large ginkgo broke from the base in the gale on March 10, 2010, Hamano is Professor Tokyonogyodai (dendrology landscaping) , was confirmed (from stump sprouts came out) the two has grown to about 10 centimeters from the base portion of new tiller.

Sprout, since it grew from a portion near the root, nutrition that is easily accessible at all times, growth is expected.

Professor Hamano was confirmed to sprout, grow and to encourage the supply of nutrients from the roots to sprout more, was removed from the base portion unnecessary parts. To last spring, is being tried to play a number of tiller buds from the stem portion of the left after the fallen tree, and a good squeeze to three then pruning growth.

Further, although transplanted to a nearby part of the stem was cut at about 4 meters from the base, and that the situation can not be said clearly rooted. In addition, out of about 400 cuttings (Atsugi) is made​​, have raised the same Hachiman shrine take back with good growth Prefecture Natural Environment Conservation Center.

Successor is expected to become a tree and in any case will take 5 to 10 years. Hachiman has been said, "are working to take all means play. Want to continue watching warm" and.

I want to hope that the successor trees grow from is admirably large ginkgo have been looking at the historical events.


小惑星イトカワ微粒子が、世界で初めて一般公開(Fine particles asteroid Itokawa, the world's first public)

会場では「はやぶさ」の実物大模型をはじめ日本の宇宙開発を解説する多数の展示や宇宙食の体験食、宇宙服の試着などのほか、小惑星イトカワから持ち 帰られた微粒子2検体のライブ映像が、初期分析を行っている岡山大学地球物質科学研究センター(三朝町山田)の電子顕微鏡と会場を高速通信回線で結んで世界で初めて一般公開された。
 こんな催しを通じて未来の科学者の卵が多く誕生していくといいですね。微粒子を借りて研究を進めている他の大学関係の研究機関等でも、 こんな企画を進めて欲しいですね。

Particulate asteroid probe "Hayabusa" brought back from the asteroid Itokawa, "Tottori Space Science World in" is published 25 days, beginning at the center of town Dakyoji future Kurayoshi Kurayoshi Tottori Prefecture for the general public for the first time in the world , fans and families have packed a lot of astronomy from outside the prefecture.

In addition, such as fitting food experience of space food exhibitions and many described the Japanese space development, space suit, and live video of the specimen 2 particles that were brought back from the asteroid Itokawa, including the full-scale mockup of the "Falcon" at the venue, that is open to the public for the first time in the world connected by high-speed communication line electron microscope and venue of (Yamada, Misasa-cho) Okayama University Institute for Study of the Earth are doing an initial analysis.

To manipulate the electron microscope. Not like Teratani Kurayoshi, the universe is "child is six years of small companies were observed particles to remotely control the electron microscope from the floor, I came to see the exhibition of a lot, as expected was talking happily with "state of the surface was found to be well to observe the fine particles.

Visitors are invited to a lot of "I want to get a sense of taste in a lot of people excited about this. Good opportunity to tell folks the results of the study at the Center" Professor Nakamura center of the center.

I hope many eggs will the birth of the scientists of the future through this event. In other research institutes of the university have been studying the help of fine, I hope that this advance planning.

茅原大墓古墳(Chihara large tumulus tomb)


Also known as the tomb of Queen Yamataikoku, Himiko's tomb chopsticks Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture of Chihara large tomb near the ancient tomb (or chopsticks) Tumulus (Grave O Hara inches). Burial Mound is not widely known even among archeology enthusiasts, as the key to relating to the fate of Yamataikoku, are in the limelight in recent years in the excavation. There are many new keyhole-shaped area is by far the oldest class in the late third century, only large tumulus tomb Chihara end of the 4th century and why. Because Yamato was moved to Osaka Plain at the end of the fourth century, the birthplace of royal power, but the decline at once, large tumulus tomb showed the brilliance of last Chihara as "(Shoei) descendant of Himiko".Chihara large tumulus tomb is located at only 500 meters east of the tumulus tomb chopsticks (280 meters in length). 86 meters in length, but the rear section extends to 72 meters, the front section 14 and the extremely short meters, and scallops, called tumulus equation (scallop) from shaped like a scallop. This unbalanced shape, and rank is below the keyhole class King was buried."Shape of the tumulus, indicates that you are not equal to the corpse of local Kawachi large tumulus tomb Chihara, has become a center of royal power already." Mr. Tsuji Fukuoka City Board of Education was responsible for the excavation is likely to see.Sakurai City, Nara Basin, such as the southeastern part be the birthplace of giant keyhole-shaped tomb mound represented by chopsticks, such as (Tenri both) Takashi God, until the first half of the fourth century landscape Ten'noryo line both from the late 3rd century It was built with giant keyhole-shaped people are more than 200 meters below, later, a large mound's construction was stopped and Patari.When since the end of the fourth century, mausoleum Ojinten'no (Habikino Osaka, about 420 m length) with tombs and Furuichi (Furuichi), Ryo Emperor Nintoku (Sakai City, the same 486 m), such as burial mounds Mozu (Mozu) power is transferred to the group, was also known as "Kawachi dynasty."Among the capital has been moved to the Osaka Plain, a large tumulus tomb was built in the city of Sakurai Chihara of the birthplace of the Yamato was the last shine as a "conservative mainstream" exactly. According to the city board of education in this area since the tumulus tumulus Chihara large tomb, close to 100 meters would no longer.Be said that it is noted in the same tumulus, and the country's oldest person was found last year's clay image (Haniwa). Face, but seems to be smiling, wearing a figure with a shield (Kada) is to feel the strength to try to protect from evil spirits Kabuto corpse. Ceded to the central Osaka also underlying strength of the regime, tried to quickly incorporate new Haniwa culture suggests that the shape of a person.However, in the form of a tumulus that was not keyhole-shaped burial mounds scallops expression, also suggests sorrow is no longer the mainstream.Mr. Tsuji, Fuzhou, focusing on the size of the tumulus still close to 100 meters. Guess "the corpse is though even if it is not mainstream, or is not indicating that it had entered into an image of the regime" and.
It is clear that we do not know yet been said but also grave tumulus chopsticks (or chopsticks), and such as Himiko's tomb. The Imperial Household Agency is strictly managed. I just published by the full cooperation of the Imperial Household Agency is also desirable to clarify the ancient history of Japan.

エクサコンピューター(Exa computer)


"Today," the world's fastest supercomputer, such as RIKEN in the field of cutting-edge research, such as medical and disaster management, have become sought after. Among researchers from around the world involved in the development and use the calculator, drawing attention to the realization of "EXA computer" 100 times faster than from the next generation of "Today" that. However, the efforts in Japan has been delayed, the challenge has been piling in terms of technology in terms of policy.
Computational performance run of "Today" is 10 Peta (Peta, 1000 trillion), called "Petakon" in (the number of floating point operations per second) floating-point operations per second. Means exa peta 1000 times corresponding to the "Today" 100. Ekusakon has an impressive computational performance quintillion floating-point operations per second per second, completed around the year 2018-20 are expected.
Parts needed to Ekusakon is only a very few exabytes memory for example. Comparable to the number of memory installed in approximately 300 million PCs were shipped all around the world last year. I struggled just to piece it together people of high quality memory. Development element is daunting arithmetic processing unit, main storage, wiring, power consumption, and anti-failure.
"China and the United States and Europe shows a concrete project at the national level was raised to clear the keyword exerciser, have been striving to develop" This is because Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology professor has developed a supercomputer "TSUBAME". In Japan, the project committee and discuss the nature of a certain level, but exa calculator, "Exercise is the goal of intentionally not given" (Prof. Matsuoka).
"Today" is frozen once the development budget in the sorting business of the meeting of 09 government administrative reform. Not like in November last year in the sorting business "version of the National Assembly", such as reduction of the budget will be sentenced supercomputer, supercomputers have Moritateru momentum as a national policy. Officials have become so intimidated by the development of Ekusakon.
In the United States and Europe on the other hand, has positioned the Ekusakon as the most important technologies for the supremacy of national and regional development plans, including military-related multiple runs. "Today" has been seen in June this year and give the seat of the world's fastest Petakon made to the United States, Japan is likely to be trailed by a foreign Haisuru much and this remains.
I pull the tail is so realistically remarks in the Diet, of those who. Remark? "I can not go # 2 's" sounds in words is likely to remember the history of science in a bad way.

世界中の株価上昇の原因(Cause of rising stock prices around the world)

この動きは例によって騙しなのでしょうか? それとも何かを暗示しているのでしょうか? 株価が上がってきた背景は何でしょう? また今後株価はどうなっていくのでしょうか?
それに対して、朝倉 慶氏は、「株価は上昇転換しました。今後若干の調整を経て、世界中の株価はさらに上昇していくことでしょう。」と結論づけています。「もちろん株価の上昇が世界を安定化、ハッピーに導くものとなっていくとは早計な判断です」とも言っています。
株価上昇の原因についても、今回の株価の動きのポイントは昨年12月21日が上昇の起点になっているという事実があるようです。12月21日に何があったのか? 実はこの日、ECB(欧州中央銀行)が域内の銀行に日本円にしておよそ50兆円という未曽有の額を資金供給したのです。この額の膨大さが域内の危機を封じ込め、結果的に今日の世界中の株価上昇に繋がってきたようです。

Stock prices around the world have been rising. Stock prices have gone up in this way, why issues of Greek crisis and Europe, and even the downward revision of growth forecast of the global economy (International Monetary Fund) IMF, news that we are the eyes to a forecast of solid pessimism on the other hand Why did?This movement is a trick by case Why? What am I doing something or implies? Stock prices have been rising background What is? Future stock prices What will be again?On the other hand, Mr. Kei Asakura, "stock prices. Would be through conversion was increased. The adjustment of some future, stock prices around the world continue to rise further," has concluded. "What is very difficult to lead the world to stabilize the rise in stock prices, the judgment is too hasty happy" Of course both liked.There seems to be also true for the cause of the rise in stock prices, the point of this movement of stock prices that are in the origin of the increase in December 21 last year. What happened on December 21? On this day, it was the amount of funds to supply unprecedented that approximately 50 trillion yen to the Japanese Yen on the banks of the region (European Central Bank) ECB actually. The enormity of this amount containment crisis in the region, seems to have led to the rise in stock prices as a result of the world today.Since the ECB is to assert and do the second bounce further funding to this regional bank on February 29, the euro is not to be sown and also rose strongly. This is also not as falling stock prices, will increase the momentum that we rise.We also pointed out as follows. We just lose rose to print the money when you hear the crisis. Anyone can. The problem is that after this it. It is time that had to be there to absorb surplus funds. ECB Bank of Japan also FRB they also, disguise is peeled off it and at that moment. And, it can not be recovered, etc. Once you start once outbursts. Sun versatility of the central bank appeared to inflation, deflation, and from as perfect swing to the left needle swung to the right extreme collapse is coming.After the rising stock prices, after all capitalist economy is going it seemed that I came to an end the era of the advent of hyperinflation. From depression to inflation, the drama moves by a large amount and days is just as close. I need to go with to prepare.


科学技術立国の危機(Crisis of the world leader in science and technology)

  大学生の数学力低下は1990年代から指摘されるようになった。高校の補習をする大学も年々増え、文部科学省の平成21年度調査では約37%に当たる全国 274大学で実施。さらに、最近は数学力の低下に拍車がかかり、入学試験や大学1年生の期末試験で全く意味が通じない解答が増えてきているという。
  今回、調査の対象となった大学生は、教育内容が大幅に削減された平成10年改正の学習指導要領で学んだ、いわゆる「ゆとり世代」。ゆとり教育では、授業時 間を減らし基礎をしっかり身につけさせることが目的だったが、今回の調査で、基礎的な要素すらも習得できていないことが改めて裏付けられた。昭和大の小野客員教授は「数学以前に日本語の文章力ができていない」とも指摘する。
 こうした事態を受け20年に改正された新学習指導要領では知識を 定着させるため、授業時間を3割増やして繰り返し学習を実践。実際に「書かせる」授業も増やし思考力を養っていくことを目指すが全面実施は小学校で今年度、中学校で来年度からで、「成果」が表れるのは何年も先だ。
 教育の結果は、すぐに現れてこない点が恐ろしいですね。 いいと思って実施しても結果的に失敗して取り返しのできない損失を与えることになりかねませんね。まさに「ゆとり教育」は日本の教育史に大きな汚点を残す結果をまねくかもしれませんね。英語の必修化も、どんな結果をもたらすのか注目ですね。昔から読み書きそろばんと言われました。その意味から英語以上に国語と数学に力をそそぐべきでしょうね。

Serious situation of college students in the enrollment fall at the University will be discussed the development of global human resources is determined, does not have to acquire the elementary "mathematics" that becomes the foundation of science and technology force and logic directly linked to bargaining power has become clear . Voice of the "crisis of the world leader in science and technology" from the experts is that up.
Power degradation of university mathematics began to be pointed out since the 1990s. Increased every year of high school tutoring to college, in the FY 2009 survey by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology conducted at the University of 274 corresponds to about 37% nationwide. In addition, the recent decline of the force takes to accelerate the mathematics, that the answers have been increasing meaning is not at all through a final exam grade and college entrance exam.
This college student, was the subject of the investigation, learned in the course of study of the 1998 amendment educational content has been greatly reduced, and generation "clear" so-called. In education with latitude, but was firmly equip purpose is to reduce the time teaching the basics, in this survey have not been able to learn even the basic elements were again supported. Also pointed out "you are not writing in Japanese force before math" visiting professor of Showadai Ono.
In the new curriculum guidelines have been revised to 20 years received such a situation is for fixing the knowledge, practice the learning repetition time 30% tuition increase. Is fully implemented this year, it appears that "results", is from the next fiscal year at a junior high school at the elementary school is many years away, but aim to go feed the power actually thinking also increase tuition "to write".
In the flow of university reform aims to globalization, represented by the study of the "fall admission" is improving the quality of students is required. "Math professor of Tokyo University Miyaoka is the President of the Mathematical Society of Japan is the foundation to support science and technology, power logical nurtured in mathematics in Japan disaster-prone will survive I need to intellectual level not blessed with natural resources. Essential in international negotiations are growing increasingly a sense of crisis "and can not be.
Result of education, it is terrible that point the child does not show up immediately. I could not be giving a loss that can not reclaim it fails as a result performed also thought good. Exactly "relaxed education" might actually be the result in a large blot in the history of Japanese education. Also compulsory in English, she is attention or bring any results. I was told a long time reading and writing and abacus. Should I focus on math and English languages ​​from more than its meaning.

教員の能力評価結果開示(Disclose results of the evaluation capacity of teachers)


New York City, U.S. 24, along with the real name disclosed the results of evaluation capacity of a total of about 18,000 teachers to respond to a request disclosure of information of media outlets, responsible for English and mathematics in public schools. The New York Times "Citizens have the right to know how to review and that the faculty authorities," said the published data on the Web.
May also affect other cities in the United States land subsidence of public education is serious, and is attracting attention as a part of the rebuilding education policy by Mayor Bloomberg. "It is more effective than public training" which also concerns or objections to the accuracy of the data however.

The remaining question is the credibility of the data because it is ambiguous what has been assessed in any standard, I do not it may be the need to also be exposed properly evaluated. I would also say in Japan, and come out prefecture and municipalities have the courage to publish.

国公立大の2次試験(Secondary test Kokkoritsudai)

国公立大の2次試験の前期日程が25日、始まった。前期日程実施校は156大学530学部。志願者数は前年度比496人減の26万7733人で、募 集人員に対する志願倍率は前年度と同じ3.4倍。東日本大震災で被害の大きかった岩手、宮城、福島の3県では志願者減が心配されたが、福島大など増えた大 学も。昨年、京都大の2次試験でカンニング事件が起きたことを受け、同大をはじめ、各大学は試験開始前に受験生の携帯電話の電源を切らせるなど対応に追われた。
 被災3県の主な国立大について前期日程の志願者数と志願倍率を見ると、福島大が前年度比207人増の1659人で0.4ポイント増の3.4倍。岩 手大は129人増の1613人、0.2ポイント増の2.5倍で、ともに増加。東北大は418人減の4945人、0.2ポイント減の2.7倍と、微減にとど まった。
 2次試験全体の志願者数は9380人減の49万4813人で、志願倍率が0.1ポイント減の4.9倍。学部系統別の志願倍率は、人文・社会科学系 が0.3ポイント減の4.8倍、自然科学系が4.9倍で前年度並み。就職に強い理系が人気を保ち、「理高文低」の状況が続いている。

Schedule 2 of the first half of next test Kokkoritsudai 25 days, began. 530 university undergraduate school the previous year implementation schedule 156. Number of applicants in a decrease of 267,733 people 496 people compared to the previous year, 3.4 times magnification applicants for personnel recruitment is the same as the previous year. 3 Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi, Fukushima was heavily damaged in the earthquake of the East have been worried about the decrease of applicants, such as increased Fukushimadai University. In response to last year, the second incident of cheating in the exam, Kyoto University, including the university, each university was forced to respond to, such as turning off the mobile phone of students prior to the start of the trial.

Looking at the number of applicants and applicants magnification of the previous fiscal year schedule for major national university of three prefectures affected, an increase of 3.4 times 1659 people, an increase of 0.4 points in the previous fiscal year 207 people have Fukushimadai. Iwate is an increase of 1,613 people 129 people, an increase of 0.2 points in 2.5-fold increase in both. Tohoku University is a decrease of 4,945 people 418 people, a decrease of 0.2 points and 2.7 times, was only slightly decreased.

Of the total number of applicants for the following two tests is 494,813 people, down 9,380 people, down 0.1 points 4.9-fold magnification of the applicant. Magnification of a different lineage undergraduate applicants, Nami 4.8 times 4.9 times the previous year, down 0.3 points, and the natural sciences and social sciences and humanities. Maintaining strong popular science to find employment, followed by the status of "low Takafumi reason".

It seems the test is progressing without any particular confusion is unfortunately the weather of rain, snow, cloudy or nationwide. Means, I want your best to demonstrate the ability more than enough.

条例成立後、初の卒業式(After the establishment ordinance, the first graduation ceremony)



24, after the establishment ordinance in June of last year, the first graduation ceremony began in Osaka was able to "stand up anthem ordinance" of the nation's first.

Expression in a total of 212 schools will be held in prefectural school until March 16, to approximately 13,000 faculty and staff are all seeking unison standing instruction duties have been issued. Expected of the Prefectural Assembly also approved the proposed ordinance governor to staff the basic principle, and dismissed the same duties in violation of order three times, and mass disposal situation of confusion is what to be avoided, attention is being paid.

On this day school graduation ceremony was held in the 32 prefectural high school. In high school in Minato, Osaka Prefectural harbor, the 266 graduates who attended. There is singing the national anthem at the beginning, people were all standing about 30 faculty and staff.

According to the principal Kurasawa, to faculty and staff of how instruction can not be satisfied with the duties that were carefully counsel and "First let us consider that important ceremony to celebrate the student is not stalling" to talk individually in advance. Kurasawa principal is "the end is not only believe in the faculty. Graduation ceremony felt a strong pressure for the first time only this," he said.

It is not forced to mourn the field of education must enact this ordinance. I feel the love of country and love the local people love the thing underlie education. It may seem like a natural behavior is to not say to whom you stand unison.