
未来のノーベル賞受賞者をどんどん出してください(Please put out more and more of the future Nobel Prize winner)

 14日に開かれた初回講座では、宇宙科学研究の第一人者、東大の牧島教授が、宇宙誕生の秘密などを解説。「宇宙の端」などについて話 すと、参加した約80人からは、「その先はどうなっているの?」などの質問が次々に飛び出した。講義を終えた牧島教授は「想像力の豊かさに驚かされた。こ うした場は、私たちにとっても刺激になる」と笑顔で語った。本当に恵まれた環境ですよね。本当に将来のノーベル賞受賞者を誕生させるべく頑張って欲しいですね。

In Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, 18 universities and junior colleges crowded, target children wards of Sciences has begun in cooperation with the University District.

In a unique attempt to gain access to state-of-the-art academic research, while away from science is advocated, University of Tokyo researchers also cooperation, Chung-Ang University, such as in the Ochanomizu district. High Expectations "and if you roll a future Nobel Prize winner from Bunkyo".

In the district so far, but has been held for the lower grades of elementary school classroom "parent-child", in response to demand for more sophisticated content started a "Children's Science College". Lecturers leading researchers. Was raised to junior high school students from elementary school and place the subject, to learn state-of-the-art research results.

In the first course was held on August 14, Makishima guru Professor of Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, University of Tokyo, explains the secrets of the birth of the universe. And talk about, such as "end of the universe", from about 80 people who participated, the question "Where is that? Going on?" Such as that ran out to the other. Professor Makishima said with a smile finished the lecture "was surprised to the richness of imagination. Place, these become for us also stimulates me." It is the environment I was really blessed. I hope Hoping to give birth to future Nobel Prize winner really.

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