
新たにひな2羽確認(2 new chicks feather confirmation)

 このペアは、ともに11年3月に放鳥された3歳雄と2歳雌。今年3月16日に営巣が確認された。同18 日に「抱卵」を確認。17日夕方から産卵を始めたと見られる。この巣では4月1日に四つの卵があるのが確認されていた。このため同省では、4羽目誕生の可 能性もあると見ている。

Ministry of the Environment on April 23, announced the release the proportion of ibis chicks in the nest a feather has been confirmed for the first time in 22 days Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, has been confirmed and two chicks a new wing. To verify the birth of the next day further chicks chicks birth has been confirmed for the first time in 36 years in the natural world, the voice of joy was boiled from the persons concerned.

Ministry from the early morning 23, the video camera placed about 40 meters away from the nest to continue the previous day. Around 40 minutes at 7 pm, it has three feathers in the nest from the video footage was collected has been confirmed.

This pair, and 2-year-old female was Toshio 3 March 11 to release the proportion of both. Nesting has been confirmed on March 16 this year. Check the "incubation" in the same 18. Seen as the egg-laying began from the evening of November 17. In this nest of four eggs is that there is on April 1 has been confirmed. The ministry have seen, there is a possibility of the birth of four end up for this purpose.

Smaller than the wings of the two newly discovered, a feather and the other two wings, and seen two or three days after birth, to receive a food that seems healthy. Found a feather and the other about a week from 5 days of age by the size of the chicks as much as was confirmed in 22 days. I want to feel your best over until fledging, but will have a variety of difficulties lying. We expect that many will increase the time of birth from a home.

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