
Exhibition "books that changed the world"(「世界を変えた書物」展)

First edition of this valuable exhibition wrote in a book for the first time, the discoveries and inventions of the famous scientist will be held in Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, from May 27. 26, its contents have been published to the press.
As you follow the strange distorted room bookshelf, there is the number of books spread valuable people. Exhibition "books that changed the world", this first edition scientific discoveries and inventions are tied deeply in the lives of us now have been announced for the first time, about 100 books will be exhibited. The discovery of X-ray. First edition of "Principia" wrote, such as law of universal gravitation, the Newtonian mechanics. Kanazawa Institute of Technology was organized in the exhibition, has already collected more than 2,000 copies of these rare books, to publish on a scale of about a part of this, that's the first time. This exhibition is open until May 19, from 27 in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. Kanazawa is the furthest I come, I want to go to the exhibition will.

不思議にゆがんだ本棚の部屋をたどっていくと、そこに広がるのは貴重な書物の数々。この「世界を変えた書物」展では、わたしたちの今の暮らしにも深く結びついている科学的発見や発明が初めて発表された初版本が、約100冊展示される。レントゲンの発見。万有引力の法則など、ニュートン力学を記した「プリンキ ピア」の初版本。展示会を企画した金沢工業大学では、こうした稀少本をすでに2000冊以上集めているが、その一部を、これほどの規模で公開するのは初めてだという。この展示会は、金沢21世紀美術館で27日から5月19日まで開かれる。ぜひ、展示会に行ってみたい気はしますが金沢は遠いですね。

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