
77歳で通訳案内士試験合格(Pass the test to guide interpretation at the age of 77)

長崎県佐世保市黒髪町の元高校教諭、石橋さん(77)が、2011年度の通訳案内士試験に英語で合格した。2月の合格発表時は76歳で、英語の合格者では最高齢。70歳を超えてから挑戦を始め、4度目で夢をかなえた。喜寿を迎えて学習意欲はますます盛んで、「通訳案内のボランティアなどを通して 日本のことを世界に伝えていきたい」と意気込んでいる。

Former high school teacher, Mr. Ishibashi town of Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture black hair (77), which has passed the exam in English to guide interpretation of fiscal 2011. When the announcement in February at the age of 76, who is the oldest English pass. Including the challenge from beyond the age of 70, was in his fourth dream come true. Are enthusiastic desire to learn is "I want to tell the world that Japan such as through volunteer interpreter guide", is facing a Kiju increasingly popular.
Taught by adopting time-limited even after retirement as a teacher of English Prefectural High, he continued teaching for over 40 years. Thought after leaving the job, "to polish the English further, to take advantage of something or can not," said the guide aims to interpretation.
Qualified as a limited Prefecture at the age of 72. I started a challenge to the national qualifications also referred to as "citizen diplomat", can guide the foreign tourists get paid anywhere in the country. The trial not only language skills, extensive knowledge, but be asked history, politics, and culture, look back "study is fun, and I do not think had a hard time" and.
The test, carried out once a year in 10 languages ​​Government Tourist Office. English test for fiscal 3197 will take 11 people, who pass in 467 people, in the prefecture was only Mr. Ishibashi.
Daily routine once a week, in addition to working in organizations such as current affairs in English Katariau foreigners such as the U.S. Navy base in Sasebo, to read English-language newspaper went to the library. "He said in English was a friend to the world", as well as the most out Facebook or Twitter, are in contact with friends overseas.
Hope that "the era of the future, become more familiar with English, I want you to need more. To the younger generation and". It lowers the head to form folded luck. It is not something you want to walk aims to life the second and third.

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