

楽天は2日午前、東京・品川の本社で入社式を開いた。三木谷浩史社長はこの日のスピーチのテーマを「BACK TO VENTURE」(ベンチャー回帰) に設定。出席した新入社員310人に対し「大企業に入ったと思わないでほしい」と強調した。主力の仮想商店街「楽天市場」の拡大で2011年12月期連結営業利益は前の期比12%増の713億円と過去最高を更新。足元でも業績に不安は少ない。ただし今年最大のテーマとなる海外展開では課題も多いだけに、今後の険しい道のりを前にスピーチで心の内にある思いがにじんだようだ。入社式は社内公用語に位置付けた英語で行われた。新入社員のうち約2割が外国人。中国や米国のほか、キルギスやペルーまで国籍は21カ国と多彩な顔ぶれが並ぶ。全体の9割は既にTOEICのスコアが730点を超えており、残りの1割も研修期間中にこの水準を目指すという。今年7月には社内の英語公用語化を完全実施する予定で、人材の国際化は着実に進展している。社内での英語公用化の是非については、様々な意見があるでしょうが確実に次なるステップに進んでいっている感じですね。

Rakuten morning of August 2, opened the ceremony at the headquarters in Shinagawa, Tokyo. President Hiroshi Miki valley "BACK TO VENTURE" set (regression venture) the theme of the speech of the day. He stressed "I want do not think large companies had entered into" for new employees was attended by 310 people. The year ended December 31, 2011 consolidated operating income is 71.3 billion yen and a record high, up 12% compared with the previous time period, the expansion of "Rakuten Ichiba" virtual shopping mall mainstay. Also results in less anxiety in his feet. In the largest overseas deployment this year to become the subject of only many issues, I think in the way of the heart in a speech before the grim future seems blurred, however. Ceremony was held in English the official language was positioned in the house. Foreigners about 20% of new employees. In addition to China and the United States, faces and a variety of nationalities in 21 countries lined up to Peru and Kyrgyzstan. 90% of the total TOEIC score of 730 has already exceeded the point, that aims to this level during the training period is also 10% of the rest. In July this year is scheduled to be fully implemented over the English the official language of the house, the internationalization of human resources has been making steady progress. It is a feeling that we proceed to the next step to ensure the pros and cons of English official in-house mosquito, there will be various opinions.

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