
生活の中の愛国心(Patriotism in the life)

「愛国心」と言うと一部の人はすぐ太平洋戦争の時のことを引き合いに出します。これは大きな間違いで、今日本で一番欠如しているのが、この愛国心な のです。愛国心がなければ、愛郷心もなく愛家族心もできないわけです。大家族から個々の小家族になり、共働きやそれに伴うカギっ子、そして現代の孤独死へ と流れていっているのは、米国式個人主義から出たと言われていますが、私は愛国心が意図的に悪者にされ、消されたからだと思います。愛国心とは、国を守る ために戦争すると決めつけ、国民を洗脳し続けた結果です。東日本大震災で喧伝(けんでん)され流行語にもなった「絆」も今やその存在も危うくなっていま す。そんな風潮の社会に喝(かつ)を入れてくれたのが、本書です。
「愛国心は、普通の生活の中にあるべきで、決して特殊なものでない」と 言うのが本書の趣旨です。こう断じ、論ぜるのは著者だけでしょう。テレビドラマの決め台詞(ぜりふ)に「税金を納めない奴は日本の道路を歩くな」というのがありましたが、「日本に愛国心を持たぬ奴は、日本国籍を持つな」 と言いたくなるほど本書は、愛国心を肩肘(ひじ)張らず、かと言って安っぽくなく高貴に語っています。人生って何なのだ、どう生きるべきだの答えの一つが 垣間見えます。

Ayako said that the review of Mr. Sakuji Yoshimura, Professor Emeritus of Waseda University has been published in book reviews of Sankei club for "patriotism in life," he wrote. I think if there is a book worth reading. The following is part of the review.Some people are citing that at the time of World War II as soon as the say "patriotism." This is a big mistake, what are you lack most in Japan now, it is that this patriotism. If there is no patriotism, family love is not no heart can not even love of one's hometown. It is said that it has flowed to the death loneliness of modern becomes small family of an individual from a large family, and the soul key associated with it and double-income, and came out from the individualistic American-style, I intended patriotism I think the bad guys to be in, and because that was erased. Patriotism is the result of war and condemned to protect the country, continued to brainwash the public. Has also endanger its existence now also became a buzzword in the earthquake are touted East (trumpet) also "ties". It put me (and) AND to the social climate is such, is the book you are reading."Patriotism is, should be in normal life, it is not a special" Never say is the purpose of this document. The same cross-sectional way, it will only Ru Ronze author. Was in the (Gentleman) "Those who can not pay taxes is not walking the road of Japan" I called lines decided the TV drama, "he unexpected have the patriotism to Japan, do not have Japanese nationality" Well want to say and This document (elbow) without informal Katahiji patriotism, said, noble or not cheap to say. One of the answers if you can glimpse the Dano should live, what is he a life.Do you think it is not sure what there is widespread human heart loves, loves the local, country love, love for humanity and to love the world. I will also want to read it also means people of the Teachers' Union has been pointed out that the response to the national flag and national anthem.

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