
Increase to 4,000 people a foreign professors? !(外国人教授を4000人に増やす?!)

Meeting the government's national strategy set out a direction approximately 4,000-fold increase in the current two years in around 2020 the foreign professors of public and private universities. I aim to increase the opportunity to learn in a foreign language, including specialized subjects, leading to an increase in students from abroad and development of human resources can play an active role internationally. Incorporating the recommendations for economic growth also put together the same meeting in June of "Japan's revival strategy", and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and pack the concrete measures.

The number of full-time foreign professors in FY 11 is 1,996 people. Percentage of total domestic Professor, the past few years has remained at about 3%.

Subjects such as Chinese language as well as English and learn to make a lot of specialized subjects in a foreign language. The more you are expected to lecture in a foreign language in a wide range of fields such as economics and political science, and is also effective to attract students from overseas candidate is sluggish.

In coordination with the ministry, to consider, such as subsidies targeted to the university adopted the foreign professors. For large national will consider the expansion of the frame as a set with foreign drastic review of expenses in light of government policies to suppress the total labor costs, not increase the overall number of professors.

Have been developing recently, such as hammer out the transition to the University of Tokyo fall admission, the correspondence of each university was aware of the international competition. National strategy conference plans put in one of the eye-catching policy to promote the internationalization of universities and training of human resources to put together proposals for growth strategy, responsible for the next generation.

I feel the flow and to consider the quality of education, including universities such as the destination. Level of the university itself rises the hope that it will be international students to come together it will come together foreign researchers inevitably, I would not do either.

政府の国家戦略会議は国公私立大学の外国人教授を2020年をメドに現在の2倍の約4千人に増やす方向を打ち出す。専門科目を含めて外国語で学ぶ機会を増や し、国際的に活躍できる人材の育成や海外からの留学生の増加につなげる狙いだ。同会議が6月にもまとめる経済成長に向けた「日本再生戦略」の提言に盛り込 み、文部科学省と具体策を詰める。

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