
中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences)

大学や研究機関の「研究力」を示す学術論文引用数の世界ランキングで、中国の「中国科学院」の順位が東京大を上回ったことが、データをまとめた学術 情報会社トムソン・ロイターへの取材で分かった。データを確認できる07年以降では初めてという。経済発展が著しい中国が、学術の分野でも台頭を始めたとして注目される。
世界ランキングは、01〜11年に約4900の研究機関が発表した論文が、他の論文に引用された回数 (被引用数)を多い順に並べたもので、トムソン社が17日に発表。日本の研究機関の順位以外は、世界1位(米ハーバード大)だけを実名で公表している。東大は今年16位と下落傾向にある。

That the number of citations of academic papers in the world rankings show the "power" research universities and research institutions, ranking of the "Chinese Academy of Sciences" in China has exceeded the Tokyo University, to coverage of academic information company Thomson Reuters summarizes the data was found in the. In the 07 years since the first time that data can be confirmed. China's remarkable economic development, which is attracting attention as the rise began in the field of science.

World rankings, which was arranged in descending order (the number of citations) the number of paper research institute of 4900 approximately was announced in 2001 to 11, have been cited in other papers, announced on 17 Thomson. Other than the ranking of research institutions in Japan, has been published in the only real name (Harvard USA) ranked first in the world. Tokyo University is ranked 16th in the downward trend this year.

Thomson has been, "University of Tokyo has increased both the number of papers, number of citations, which is higher than growth in other research institutions and".

Chinese Academy of Sciences was founded in 1949. University of Science and Technology of China and the face that consists of science and engineering departments, the Institute of Life Sciences and Electronics about 90, and the universe. I'm sure that growth is also the University of Tokyo, I would place some growth in other regions, especially China that the superior. It may also become third-rate country.

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