
あと50日(50 days after)

兵庫県内で282年ぶりに観測できる「金環日食」まで、4月1日であと50日。明石市立天文科学館の学芸員井上さんを中心にした研究グ ループが、金環日食と部分日食の「境界」を調べる全国調査を計画している。一般に広く協力を求め、目標は1万人。「大規模な共同観測は史上初」といい、今 後の日食観測の基礎データとして役立てるという。
 計画は「みんなで日食マップをつくろう! 共同観測プロジェクト」と銘打ち、協力者には市販されている日食メガネで観測してもらい、どこで観測したか▽リング(金環)になったか、ならなかったか‐などを報告してもらう。結果はマップにして発表する予定。
  観測できるエリアや限界線の位置については、米航空宇宙局(NASA)や国内の研究者らが予測を示しているが、実際には「当日にならないと分からない」と 井上さん。今回のような調査は過去に例がなく、多くの人の協力で限界線を示すことができれば、今後の日食予測などに生かせるという。これだけ広範囲で観測できるのは平安時代以来とも聞きます。中心線からだいぶずれていますがなんとか観測できそうです。5月21日、晴れることを祈るばかりです。

To "annular eclipse" can be observed for the first time in 282 years, 50 days later in the day in April in Hyogo Prefecture. Research group centered on the curator of Mr. Inoue Akashi Municipal Planetarium, are planning a nationwide survey examining the "boundary" of partial solar eclipse and annular eclipse. Cooperation in wide demand, the goal is 10,000 people. Said, "is the first large-scale joint observation history," and that serve as basic data for future solar eclipse observation.
Annular solar eclipse the sun and the moon overlap, a mystical phenomenon is part of the edge of the sun shining in a ring shape. May 21, can be observed Kinki, Kanto from near the southern part of Kyushu between.
Be in Hyogo Prefecture, and can be seen around 7:30 am at the part of the Kobe-Hanshin area and Awaji Island. In addition, the prefecture has been predicted in the northern part of Himeji and have seen a partial eclipse of the sun most of the sun is hidden, until the per-Inagawa, and its on the "limit line" boundary between the partial solar eclipse and annular eclipse from Akashi.
Have the observed in the glasses eclipse the plan was conceived in a "project joint observation! Tsukurou the map eclipse at all", to those who help us are commercially available, or became (annular) ▽ or ring was observed where, not if get reported - such as height. The results will be announced to the map.
Mr. Inoue for the location of the area and limit line can be observed, indicating the predicted and domestic researchers (NASA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and in fact "I do not know and not on the day." Survey such as this, there is no case in the past, if you can indicate the limit line with the cooperation of many people, that capitalize on the future and predicting solar eclipse. It can be observed in a wide range since only this will hear both the Heian period. This can be observed so much, but somehow are offset from the center line. May 21, I just pray that the clear.

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