
論理性が高収入のカギ(The key to high-income logicality)

大学入試で数学を受験した文系出身者は、大企業に就職して高収入。 京都大、同志社大などの研究者グループが約9000人を対象に行ったインターネット調査で、そんな結果が明らかになった。 数学になじむと論理的な思考が身に着き、様々な仕事に適応できるのだという。
グループは2011年2月、国内の国公立、私立大や海外の文系学部を卒業した20歳代~70歳代の働く男女に調査した。その結果、数学受験者の 40%が大企業に就職していたのに対し、受験しなかった人では34%。数学受験者の平均年収は532万円で、未受験者の443万円を大幅に上回った。

Mathematics liberal arts graduates to take the entrance exam in college, high income and employment in large companies.

Internet research group of researchers at Kyoto University, and Doshisha went to about 9,000 human subjects, such a result became clear.

Logical thinking and arrived at the body adapt to the math, that he can adapt to various tasks.

Groups were surveyed to working men and women aged 70-79 years ~ 20s in February 2011, was graduated from the Faculty of humanities and public domestic and overseas private university. As a result, whereas large companies have to work for 40 percent of math test takers, who did not take the test at 34%. Average annual income of 5,320,000 yen candidate in mathematics, was significantly higher than the 4.43 million yen of outstanding candidates.

On the other hand, in another study that target the 4,000 undergraduate science graduates, who specializes in biological and chemical physics of the high logic than is required, with an annual income that was higher. Could it be that this result was a logical way of thinking will be important because. It differs from near 1 million annual income Anyway. It is difficult to say because I will most likely way mathematics, physics and the humanities but would hate say.

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