
たき火を囲んで一家団欒の夕食(Hearthstone of the family dinner around the bonfire)

 研究チームは「最も古い火の使用の証拠」としている。 これまで火の使用については、イスラエルの遺跡で見つかった約79万年前のたき火の跡が最も古いと考えられてきた。150万年前とする研究もあるが、山火事と人為的な火の使用跡の区別は難しく、立証されていない。

Boston University research team, such as the U.S. summarizes the survey results and have been using fire to million years ago ancestors of mankind, announce to the U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The research team has been as "the oldest evidence of the use of fire." Have been thinking about the use of fire, and the oldest traces of fire about 790,000 years ago were found in the ruins of Israel so far. Some research and 1.5 million years ago, marks the distinction between the use of fire and anthropogenic forest fires is difficult and has not been proven.

The research team analyzed by microscope the strata of "Wake Wonder Cave" of 140 meters in length in South Africa, it was confirmed ash and burnt bone fragments of the plant. And it is widely distributed in the cave, was estimated rather than such as wildfire, and have been cooking by burning grass and leaves (Homo erectus) Homo erectus. Or how a fire is unknown, but that you are "would have been taken from a wildfire can also come," said Dr. Francesco Berna of the university.

Could it be that is holding up the family dinner around the bonfire of the hearthstone. World peace of mind Could it be that the same utensils, goods, etc. Although there is no reason to eat compared.

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