
「ベロ毒素」を無害化する化合物(Compounds that detoxify "verotoxin")


Is released from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (such as O) 157 O, was developed by research group of Prof. Nishikawa Doshisha University Faculty of Medicine life, a compound that detoxifies the "verotoxin" heavy cause of food poisoning.

Application to early drug development as effective as the administration, is expected to prevent the aggravation.

Verotoxin, in order to kill invading cells of blood vessels, kidney and brain damage in a lot of capillaries. And progress to encephalopathy, etc. and (HUS) hemolytic uremic syndrome, in some cases death.

Group sorting those various combinations of 20 amino acids, to bind strongly and the most toxic type 2 verotoxin. Toxin combined with this compound was confirmed to be decomposed by the "lysosomal" organ to handle the unwanted proteins within cells. I want to go tied to expect at an early stage drug development.

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