
ヘッドケアロボット( head Care robot)

 同社ロボット事業推進センターが10年9月、病院や介護施設の職員の負担軽減を目指して開発。頭の大き さや形を測定し、シャワーとシャンプー、もみ洗い、すすぎを約15分間自動で行う。人の手で洗髪するのに比べて水の量が半分程度で済むという。指の役割を 果たすシリコーン製の突起を16本から24本に増やすなど改良を加え、頭皮マッサージ効果を強化した。様々な要求にもある程度柔軟に対応してくれるようになるといいかもしれませんね。病院や介護施設にとっては職員の負担低減にかなりの効果があるのではないでしょうかね。

Panasonic 9, installed in the "Super Hair Theo" Barber shop in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture wash the head of the human finger movements, such as a human "head-care robots", was published in the press. In testing free of charge until June 10 from 11, aimed at the commercialization of during the current fiscal year to reflect the voices of passengers.

September 10, developed with the goal of reducing the burden on staff of hospitals and nursing care facilities Business Promotion Center robot company. To measure the size and shape of the head, shower and shampoo, wash rice, carried out in automatic rinse for about 15 minutes. It requires only about half the amount of water compared to washing hair in the hands of humans. Improvements such as increasing from 16 to 24 projections play a role in the finger made ​​of silicone, enhanced the effect of scalp massage. It may be helpful to help it become flexible to some extent various requirements. For hospitals and nursing homes or I would not be that there is a considerable effect in reducing the burden of staff.

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