
全国学力テスト(National achievement test)

小学6年と中学3年を対象とする文部科学省の全国学力・学習状況調査(全国学力テスト)が17日午前、始まった。昨年は東日本大震災の発生を受けて中止されたため2年ぶりの実施。抽出された約3割の小中学校9709校(約73万2000人)のほかに、1万6159校(約105万5000人)が自主参加したため、参加率は前回(10年)から7.7ポイント増の81.2%となった。国語のほか、算数と、今年から加わった理科に取り組む。 公立校の参加率を都道府県別に見ると、100%が前回から8県増えて21県になった。99〜80%が15道府県ある一方、愛知県(27.8%)と神奈川県(37.6%)が5割を下回り低かった。国公私立別では国公立が8割を超えたが、私立は3割弱。

(National achievement test) is the morning of June 17, began learning and academic achievement nationwide survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and three years to target middle school and elementary school six years. Conducted last year for the first time in two years because it has been discontinued by the occurrence of the earthquake East. 9,709 elementary and junior high school of about 30% was extracted in addition to (approximately 732,000 people), because (1.05 million approximately 5000) was 16,159 voluntary schools, the participation rate from 7.7 (10 years) the last was an increase of 81.2 percent points. In addition to language, and tackle math, science took part in this year. In terms of public schools by prefecture participation rate was increased to 21 prefecture prefecture 8 from the previous 100%. On the other hand some 15 prefectures, 99 to 80%, was lower in Kanagawa Prefecture (37.6%) is below the 50% and in Aichi Prefecture (27.8%). By public and private, but 80% exceeded the national and public, private is nearly 30%.

Kanagawa-ku, Aichi What I do why low. It will also require a little care the introduction of the principle of competition as a venue for public education, but does not stir up the competitive spirit. I feel you also need to regain the shine back into the field of public education.

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