
太陽が冬眠?!(Hibernation is the sun? !)

このペースだと、12年5月に北極のみが反転し、太陽の赤道付近に別の極ができる「4重極構造」になるという。 天変地異や様々な出来事がシンクロして現れて来そうな雰囲気ですね。人類に大きな意識転換が願われている時期にもさしかかってきますね。

That there is a potential low-temperature period that will become due to the earth into "hibernation", an incident happened to periodic activity of the sun has been found. RIKEN, such as the National Astronomical Observatory and was announced on the 19th. Appearance of sunspots also, that similar change can be seen time and temperature of the earth has fallen in the past.

The sun has a positive and negative poles of the polar, reversed at the same time period about 11 years. Had been expected to begin next reversal in May 2013, was observed in the "Sunrise" solar observation satellite, in the Arctic is that the closer to the reversal was found approximately one year earlier. Antarctica did not change much.

If this pace it, becoming only the Arctic is reversed in May 2012, can be very different near the equator of the sun in the "quadrupole structure." It is the atmosphere that seems to come appeared in synchro events and a variety of natural disasters. I will also have time for a change in approaching greater awareness that wishes to mankind.

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