
皇族女子の夫にも皇族身分を付与?!(Status granted to the husband of the female imperial majesty? !)


The government is considering the establishment of "MIYAKE Women" about entering the adjustment in the direction to grant the status of royal majesty to the women's husband and family head.
Revealed that several government officials. Decision because of the need to perform official duties as well as royalty. If realized, the door will be opened for the first time applied to the private royal men.
Government to accelerate the consideration of establishing MIYAKE women, entered the hearing from February to experts, is aiming to submit a bill to revise the Imperial House Law to an extraordinary Diet session this fall.
To establish a court noble women "(women born in the imperial family), royal women, when the emperor and royal marriages with persons other than the identity of the royal family leave" must be established with the Imperial House Law amendment of Article 12 be. Within the government in promoting this study, "except when you marry the men and the subsequent case that Empress girls are not to be a subsequent" to amend Article 15, as was the husband of a female imperial came out with a discussion of the need to follow.

Try to survive somehow feeling that has existed in the imperial male line I feel like a premature discussion reveals.

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