
仮設住宅から大学へ(College women in temporary housing residents)

 気仙沼市出身で、家の経済的な理由から中学を卒業して群馬県の家電メーカーに就職した。転機は20歳で結婚した夫の順啓さんをがんで亡くした2007年。入院中の父の世話で気仙沼に帰った時に気仙沼高校定時制の生徒募集を新聞広告で知り、移り住んだ。 天から与えられた命ですから精神保健福祉士になって多くの人のために生きていってください。4年間の勉学大変だと思いますが頑張ってください。

Mr. Ota, 67 years living in temporary housing in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, passed the university entrance examination and Welfare, Tokyo recommendation. survived the earthquake in the tsunami but been swallowed. "And the psychiatric social worker, who injured in the earthquake " We are working hard and studying.
Temporary housing in a middle school playground Kesennuma. Mr. Ota is aligned textbooks 1K kotatsu room floor plan small, daily newspaper that is read or learning English.
A native of Kesennuma, consumer electronics manufacturers got a job after graduating from junior high school in Gunma Prefecture from home for economic reasons. Turning point in 2007 died of cancer in order to calculate the age of 20 married her husband. Newspaper advertisements to recruit students learn part-time during high school Kesennuma Kesennuma returned to the care of his father in the hospital, he moved. Please go to many people living in psychiatric social worker is given from the life of heaven is. Please think hard luck is a four-year study.

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