
比較的大規模の爆発(Relatively large explosion)

太陽で23日昼過ぎ、比較的大規模の爆発があり、放出された高エネルギー粒子が地球に向かっている。米気象衛星は2005年以来の規模の放射線を観測した。名古屋大の上出名誉教授は「地球の磁気が大きく乱される大磁気嵐になりそうだ」と話す。条件が整えば25~26日に北海道でオーロラが見える という。
 太陽ではここ数日、爆発現象が相次ぎ、カナダなどでオーロラが活発化していた。米海洋大気局(NOAA)の衛星は25日未明、粒子のかたまりが地球の近 くに到達し始めたのを観測した。影響は数日続くという。過去には人工衛星がダメージを受けたり、カナダで大規模な停電が起こったりしたこともある。

23 in afternoon sun, has a relatively large explosion, and towards the high-energy particles emitted by the Earth. U.S. weather satellite observed the radiation size since 2005. Kamide Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University is "likely to disturb significantly large magnetic storm of the earth," he said. Hokkaido, the northern lights that are visible if the conditions 25 and 26.

In the last few days the sun, the explosion after another, had been activated in the aurora and Canada. U.S. Marine Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite of the early morning of July 25, was observed near the Earth began to reach the masses of the particles. Subsequent impact of a few days. In the past, satellites or damaged, or there was a massive power outage occurred in Canada.

According to Prof. Shinohara Kagoshima National College of particles emitted by high energy this time. Some of the satellite that is no longer part of the observation instrument malfunction occurs. It is likely to cause a major obstacle on the planet. It may also have a small effect on life on Earth. But I hope and see the aurora in Hokkaido.

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