
馬英九氏の勝利(Mr Ma's victory)

  2008年の国民党による政権奪回後、中国はFTA(自由貿易協定)にあたるECFA(経済協力枠組み協定)を結ぶなど、台湾との経済関係を拡大してき た。その次のステップとして専門家はECFA交渉の拡大に加えて、「和平協議に向けた段階に入る」と予想している。
  実際、2期目の信任を得た馬政権は、中国が求める「先経後政」(先に経済関係を、その後に政治関係)との戦略に向き合っていかねばならない。和平協定の協 議がそのまま「統一交渉」を意味しないが、中国が悲願の台湾統一に向けて虎視眈々と練った戦略の始動は、時間の問題だ。
 今回の台湾総統選挙での馬英九氏の勝利によって、中国がアジアや世界にとってますます 脅威となっていくのが必然といった感じになってきましたね。

And the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Tools CPC Central (government) Taiwan Affairs Office Office 14, about his presidential election victory of Ma's Kuomintang party in Taiwan "on both sides (Nakadai), the peaceful development of relations is the right path. with the support of a wide range of Taiwan compatriots, "the spokesman issued a statement that. Said on state-run Xinhua News Agency.

Election results of relief (relief), China will strengthen the political and economic offensive in Taiwan more likely to promote a framework for political dialogue. International attention that goes into Cross-strait relations will likely rise further.

After the KMT regained power in 2008, China FTA (Free Trade Agreement) ECFA equivalent to (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement), such as linking, has expanded economic relations with Taiwan. Experts as well as the next step is negotiating the expansion of ECFA, "enters the stage for peace talks" are expected.

In fact, the government gained the confidence of the second horse, the demand that China "policy and then through the target" (the first economic relations, political relations after) strategies must be found and facing. Accept the agreement of the peace agreement negotiations "unity" does not mean that, starting on the alert and kneaded strategies for Taiwan's earnest desire for the unification of China is a matter of time.

Mr Ma's victory in the presidential election in Taiwan now and I feel has become a necessity in an increasingly become a threat for the world Asia and China.

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