
大学入試センター試験(National Center Test for University Admissions)

12年度の大学入試センター試験が14日、全国709会場で始まった。志願者数は前年度比3447人(0.6%)減の55万5537人で、センター 試験を利用する大学・短大は過去最多の835校。同センターの昨年11月の集計で、利用校の総募集人員(18万8357人)に対する志願倍率は0.1ポイ ント減の2.9倍となっている。
 志願者の内訳は、現役生43万9713人、既卒者10万9748人、その他(高卒認定試験合格者など)6076人。現役比率は0.1ポイント減の 79.2%で、今春の高校卒業予定者(105万8850人)の41.5%が志願している。14日午前は地理歴史と公民、午後に国語と外国語が予定される。 試験は15日まで。センター試験の日は雪が降ったり、天候にも恵まれないような記憶がありますが、今朝も夜来からの雪が積もっていましたね。ぜひ、日頃の実力を出し切って頑張ってください。

The National Center Test for University Admissions in FY 14, 12, began at 709 venues nationwide. 3447 Number of applicants who the previous year (0.6%) decreased 55,370,055 people, universities and junior colleges to use the test center is an unprecedented 835 schools. Aggregation of the Centre in November 2003, the total recruiting school personnel available (83,570,018 people) to volunteer ratio is decreased by 0.1 points and 2.9 times.

According to the Center today at 10:30 am, the train is delayed, such as 12 prefectures 39 schools around the Hokkaido and Tohoku, and deferred examination in a separate room with one person in the test center 60 minutes of Akita University.
Breakdown of applicants are 97,130,043 people living active, 97.48001 million people who already graduated, and others (such as high school graduates who passed the certification exam), 6076 people. Active rate down 0.1 points at 79.2%, who will graduate high school this spring (88,500,105 people) is 41.5% of applicants. Geography and History and Civics morning of December 14, language and foreign languages ​​are planned in the afternoon. The test day 15. Day of the test center or snowing, you remember the less fortunate like the weather, I had snow this morning from the overnight. Us, please Good luck with daily  abilities.

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