
都独自の学力テスト結果から(Achievement test results and their own)


"Equality" to "do tack" in Tokyo 5th grade and read at exactly 60.4%, 6.7% is "to Ito" was mistaken. Achievement test results and its own Office of Education announced on June 12 city, it was found that reading the text and not tied in phrases commonly used in everyday conversation.The test last July, language targeting 92,000 people around 5th grade all public schools in Tokyo, social, math (mathematics), the subject of four science, and 72,000 people around the eighth grade is five plus English subjects was performed.4 elementary school students in both subjects, the percentage of students exceeds half the expected number of points taken in advance and threats. 68.5% of the highest in math, 51.9 percent was the lowest in society. In contrast, middle school, 56.6% in English in the highest, language, math, science was less than half.In the language of elementary school, "equality" correct response rate rose 4.3 points from the reading of 56.1 percent in 2006. However, "proper" language could warrant such a qualifier for unqualified remain at 31.3% including a prominent answer and insufficient basic knowledge and understanding. In middle school science, the answer to the proper operation of gas burners should be used in actual experiments in 41.7% it was found that the experiment does not have to acquire nearly 60 percent students.Testing began in eighth grade for the year 2003, carried out in the 5th grade from next year. FY 10, the students become an issue of power "decipher" are also questions View questions. So far only had basic problems, questions were added to the FY 1999 application problems.That achievement test conducted on a regular basis, I would need in the future. I will need to review the training and education on how feedback results. It is of interest might emerge in any form is the effect of compulsory English. Education to move away from clear, children make up I want to fly a space of academic freedom Mawareru grown from a glider airplane I will be said that a lot of filling.

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