
光で着脱自在のゲル(Removable gel with light)

振動させるとくっつき、紫外線を照射すると分離、可視光と振動で再びくっつく。光で着脱自在のこんなゼリー状物質(ゲル)を大阪大の原田教授(高 分子科学)のチームが開発、3日付の英オンライン科学誌ネイチャーコミュニケーションズに発表した。チームの山口准教授は「手術時の一時的な臓器の固定剤、止血剤などの医療面のほか、何度も使えるコーティング剤や水中で使える接着剤など産業への応用が考えられる」としている。

Vibrate and stick, and separation of UV irradiation, vibration and light stick again. Of this jelly-like material with light removable (gel), a professor at Osaka Harada (macromolecular science) development team announced online British science journal Nature dated 3 Communications. Associate Professor Yamaguchi's team, "fixative organ temporarily during surgery, as well as medical services, such as hemostatic agents can be considered industrial applications such as adhesives for use in water or coatings can be used many times," that you are .

Team, the substance of one nanometer in diameter donut "Alpha - cyclodextrin (CD)" with a gel containing alpha-material fit into the holes of CD "azobenzene" was verified by including a gel. Sounds can be expected to be applied in various situations.

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