

米長邦雄永世棋聖対コンピューター(ボンクラーズプロ棋士)との将棋対決『電王戦』が、いよいよ1月14日(本日)対局! 昨年末に行なわれた前哨戦では、米長永世棋聖が奇抜な一手目を試してコンピューターの動向をみてみたが、残念ながら85手までで負けてしまった。14日の本番には米長棋聖の健闘を祈るばかりですね。しかし、プロ棋士の域に達しているといわれるコンピューターとの対戦、勝ち目はないようにも感じますね。

Kunio hygiene regulations for computer 米長 (Knight's stupid over-pro) and Shogi Showdown "against Den" is finally on January 14 (today) opposite! Made in the runup to last year, but I look at the trends of the computer to try the first novel in one hand hygiene regulations 米長, had unfortunately lost up to 85 hands. The production values ​​are just 14 more power to 米長 regulations. However, against the computer and is said to have reached into the realm of professional players, I feel like not even win.
"Bonkurazu" is opposite chess software developed by Mr. Hideki Ito. Japan Shogi Association has a special cooperation, Computer Shogi Association hosted "The 21th World Computer Shogi Championship" is contained in the victory. He has spent his retirement in 2003 米長. Career record is 800 wins impasse cup 1103.

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