
量子物理学の基本原理を崩す成果(Results undermine the basic principles of quantum physics)

 物が見えるのは、物に当たった光が反射して、私たちの目に届くからだ。時間をおいて2度見れば、物の動き(速度)がわかる。ただ、光は波長が短い ほどエネルギーが大きいので、小さな粒子を見る場合に問題が生じる。短い波長の光を使うほど、粒子の位置は詳しく測れるが、反射した時に粒子をはね飛ばすので、元の速度は測れなくなる。測定技術の向上等によって、様々なものの真実が見えてくる時代なのかもしれませんね。

Correctly measuring position and velocity of small particles at the same time is impossible and electronics, "Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle" is always a viable and experimental results, together with the Nagoya Institute of Technology research team in Vienna other.

Result in breaking the basic principles of quantum physics was proposed more than 80 years ago, a clue to the development of new measurement technologies in nanoscience. Electronic version to be published in the science journal Nature Physics on 15 dates.

Things look, the light is reflected and hit things, because to reach our eyes. If you look twice at the time of movement (velocity) is known. However, the light energy is greater the shorter the wavelength, if you have problems see the small particles. Enough to use shorter wavelength light, the measure in detail the position of the particles, particles so when you slosh reflection is original speed. The improvement of the measurement technique, I might be a time of truth comes into view different.

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